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The arm of the law had gotten long indeed...


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I had a similar crime like that. I believe that you can be flagged for obstruction anytime you attack a Triby when there is a criminal on, or if you help a criminal out, and the area in which you are flagged for is the one in which one of these two events happened (i.e. Underdark). I don't know if this applies to your paticular situation, but maybe this will clear something up.

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You never killed any trib in that situation, and the other trib was sitting back watching, as per Martineius' orders.

... Yes, he told him on clan chat. Isn't it cool how we overhear these things in clan chat?

And to my knowledge, I believe Pominsu was saying he was.. killed due a teleport death. You'll have to ask him in game, I guess, but I remember his frustration of the clan chat.

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