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Though I am not around much, I had a huge library of FL stuff. My computer just crashed out and I lost ~6 years worth of FL stuff. How much does that suck? Every desc, note, app, etc. Everything.

If anyone happens to have a log with Eod or Emmoth in it, please let me know. I won't ever get back 99% of that, but if I can get back some, that would be less awful.

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Is your hard-drive completly dead? B/c otherwise, just yank it out and slap it into an external case...or hook it up to another comp just long enough to transfer any uncorrupted files.

Of course...if your hd is what caused the crash, man that sucks. That's gotta be the most annoying thing about comps.

Future reccomendation: pick up a cheap external, my dad got one that's 300 something gigs for about $100. That should hold enough FL files for the rest of your life.

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