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Farewell to the FL Community


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I hate to say it, but my time on FL has pretty much come to an end. I used to spend several hours a day after work playing, but that time is now being eaten up by other activities, mostly work-related.

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone I interacted with, and for almost everyone making my time here enjoyable, most notably Jevrax for teaching me the mud and pk in general, Anume for consoling me in her own little way whenever I would go on a 0-20 pk streak, and especially Valganti, for all the trips into Savant.

I'd like to say that I'd be back at some point, and I honestly hope I will be, but I just don't see it anytime soon. If anyone wishes, I can be found on aim, under the name montahg.

Cheers, and I hope FL keeps on rocking.




Zoso <-- Seriously only one person figured out where that name came from?!


Edit: My time with Maldibion got cut off right as I hit level 42, sorry to all the Warmasters I pissed off while retrieving the Savant standard and there being nothing you could do ;)

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Guest Valganti
Zoso was a Led Zeppelin album. I thought it was B.S. the name got through.

I don't recall getting a prayer forum post, note, tell in game, or any sort of thing informing the IMM's of this.

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  • 5 months later...

Cool, I guess it did get posted.

I wish my writing abilities were better, I used 'rest assured' way too many times. I also noticed a spelling error or two. Oh well, I tried to do something good, hopefully it'll help convince new players to come join us :D

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Ok, I've had at least 4 people get ahold of me and tell me I better not stop playing. I'd just like to say, look at the date I created the thread.

I left because I was working 90+ hours a week from mid January till about mid March - and I'm no longer doing that.

I'm not leaving anytime soon, so all of you are stuck with me.

And thanks, Ex D&Der, for resurrecting an old thread and making me have to explain this :D

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hate to say it, but my time on FL has pretty much come to an end. I used to spend several hours a day after work playing, but that time is now being eaten up by other activities, mostly work-related.

Watch out for this. Working is fine, giving up FL is also very fine. But working to much will break you, unless you really love it and even then... family suffers.

Bah!!! This is what i get from Tl;Dr the thread. Good to know you no longer pull 90 hours weeks.

Trust me, Middle life crisis is a hard mistress.

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