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Relighting Purity's Flame: Maneil, Pamiyn, and others


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Wotharg walks in.

Wotharg's Knight Avatar flies in.

Wotharg says 'Allo'

Pamiyn smiles sincerely.

You say 'Humblest of greeting to you, Sir Fourfists.'

You dismount from a white stallion.

Pamiyn takes a slight bow, and then stands erect once again.

Wotharg says 'Well thank ye Pamiyn, although i told ye I just be Wotharg'

You say 'Of course, Sir Fourfists.'

Wotharg says 'Bah!'

Wotharg says 'Wellaby spoke to Father Jacobis'

Pamiyn bites into his lower lip lightly.

Wotharg sits down and rests.

Wotharg says 'Wellaby wants ta be comin ta talk too'

You say 'What was this in regards to, Sir? If it is for my ears, that is.'

Wotharg smiles happily.

You nod.

You say 'I understand.'

Wotharg says 'Tis, tis indeed'

Wellaby has arrived through a gate.

You stand up.

Wellaby looks at you.

Wellaby says 'A moment gentleman.'

Wellaby flies up.

Pamiyn turns, and takes a slight bow in Wellaby's direction. 'Humble greetings, Sir Devereau.'

Pamiyn coughs into his hands. 'Ah, he leaves.'

Wotharg smiles happily.

You say 'I cannot, unfortunately, Sir.'

-- A slight pause.

Wotharg says 'He said he would be right back eh'

Wellaby flies in.

Wellaby's Knight Avatar flies in.

Pamiyn nods once.

Maneil rides in.

Wellaby sits down and rests.

Wellaby gallantly tips his hat.

Wotharg says 'We havin a party eh?'

Maneil bows deeply.

Wellaby says 'Welcome Gents.'

Wellaby looks at Maneil.

Wotharg says 'One and all ..'

Pamiyn smiles at all present. 'Humblest of greetings.'

Wotharg says '' please sit and relax as much as ye can'

Wellaby stands up.

Wellaby says 'A moment again. Krun has fallen.'

Wellaby closes his eyes momentarily.

Wellaby steps through a gate and vanishes.

Wellaby's Knight Avatar steps through a gate and vanishes.

Wotharg says '' Wellaby will tell is story, but it starts that Father Jacobis spoke ta him the other day..'

Wotharg says '' and i guess ill continue so we dont delay'

Pamiyn turns from Maneil to Wotharg, and nods.

Wellaby has arrived through a gate.

Wellaby's Knight Avatar has arrived through a gate.

Wellaby sits down and rests.

Wellaby says 'Sorry gentleman.'

Wotharg says '' I guess he be statin that we need ta be finding Squires fer the Castle'

Wotharg says 'Father Jacobis that is, be telling Wellaby that , right Well?'

Pamiyn bites into his lower lip lightly, and a little blood begins to ooze from it.

Wellaby nods.

Wellaby says 'Indeed my friend.'

Wotharg says '' So the search began fer Wellaby , Doran and meself..'

Wotharg says '' we searched long and hard mind ye'

Wotharg says '' fer those who will uphold what the Castle stands fer'

You say 'I see.'

Maneil kneels down aside the spring.

Maneil drinks water from a magical spring.

Maneil stands up.

Wotharg says 'And work as a united team against those of evil , specially those of Nexus'

Wotharg says '' well, our quest ends here with ye two.. Pamiyn and Maneil....'

Wotharg says 'Wellaby, please... '

The bright aura that envelops Pamiyn flashes, and flares brightly.

Maneil leans over twords you.

Wellaby says 'I was also advised by Father Jacobis that the forces of darkness are gathering strength.'

Maneil says 'I suppose ours is just beginning.'

Pamiyn nods in a very sagelike manner, in complete agreement with Maneil.

Wellaby says 'Since that day I have had strange dreams and... I suppose you could say visions.'

Wotharg sits back and pulls a pipe out of his sack and begins to toke on it.

Pamiyn tilts his head to one side. 'Visions, Sir?' he asks.

Wellaby says 'Indeed. I saw the return of a hero of the past. Then the monk showed up.'

Wotharg nods at Wellaby.

Wellaby says 'I cannot see this as coincidence.'

Pamiyn bites into his lower lip. 'With all due respect, good Sir, I do not understand.'

Pamiyn coughs into his hand. 'Ah, ahem. Excuse me. Now, I do.'

Wellaby nods.

Pamiyn smiles sincerely.

Maneil says 'Quite the sudden epephany.'

Maneil pats you on the back.

Pamiyn's smile widens, into a grin.

Wellaby says 'I believes that this dark force has a name.'

Wellaby says 'Triathix and his forces serve Anume. She in turn.. serves.. '

Wellaby hesitates to speak the name and then mumbles it slowly, 'S.. irant'.

Maneil faints.

Pamiyn begins to breathe a little more heavily, before saying softly, 'Sirant..'

Wellaby nods solemnly.

Maneil climbs up to his knees.

Wotharg says 'I don't think i heard ye lad,, say it again eh?'

Maneil says 'The Black...'

Wotharg closes his eyes momentarily.

Maneil says 'Not a jesting matter.'

Pamiyn kneels down by Maneil's side, attempting to support Maniel.

Wellaby says 'When it was only Wotharg and I in the castle, I decided to feign allegiance to Drayson and Triathix in order to learn of their plans.'

Maneil nods at you in agreement.

Maneil rises to his feet.

The master of goodness says 'I must find a way to erradicate this world of evil.'

Wotharg points excitedly at The master of goodness!

Wellaby beams a smile at The master of goodness.

Wotharg says 'Right ye be'

Pamiyn climbs to his feet, and brushes a little dirt from his kneepads. 'Feign an alliance?'. Pamiyn appears to be puzzled.

Maneil says 'I'm afraid friend...that that might not be possible this time...'

Maneil gets a magic berry.

Maneil seems to be eating out of sheer nervousness.

Maneil eats a magic berry.

Wellaby says 'It is already done. The ruse is over now. I learned much of what they truly wanted.'

'And that is?' Pamiyn asks.

Wellaby says 'Father Jacobis could not confirm my suspicions but he said that our seers have seen darkness coming. Forming around the


Pamiyn clamps his teeth down into his lower lip once more, the flow of blood increasing slightly.

Maneil sighs.

Wotharg says '' Now....'

Wotharg says '' The question afore ye's'

Wotharg says '' Pamiyn, do ye wish to join the Castle as me squire, ta uphold the commandments and become o us, one o Knight.'

Pamiyn closes his eyes, for a second, before speaking. 'That I desire, Sir Fourfists.'

Wellaby says 'And... Pamiyn you remember of conversations I am sure. You still agree to adhere to the terms we spoke of?'

'However, there is one point...' Pamiyn adds quickly.

Wotharg says '' The scroll will be scribed as such...'

Pamiyn nods at Wellaby. 'It is somewhat regarding that.'

You say 'Should the current stance of Knight change, so as to put me in a situation that asks of me to uphold my word to my Lord, or to


You say 'You know what my option shall be, Sirs, I presume.'

You say 'Though I would trust the chance of such happening would be, slim.'

Wellaby says 'We would request that we speak on such matters before action is taken.'

Wotharg says 'Aye aye..'

Wellaby says 'Please do nothing out of haste or anger.'

Pamiyn smiles politely. 'Of course, good Sir. Each situation individual, and all.'

You say 'I do not mean to suggest that I would hastily and readily leave the Castle.'

Wotharg says 'I know ye have the restraint needed fer us to accomplish this ..'

Wellaby nods.

Pamiyn nods once, in agreement.

Wellaby turns to Maneil and smiles briefly.

Wotharg says '' So, tis done on one account..'

Wellaby says 'And you my friend. You agree to serve the castle until your last breath? To defend the people and act as my squire?'

Maneil lowers his head, searching the ground for words.

Maneil says 'Smoke black'

Maneil lights some dark black leaves and smokes it.

Maneil is surrounded by a white aura.

Maneil says 'The Black...'

Wotharg says '' i prefer the lighter brown leaves fer me pipe...'

Maneil raises his head.

Maneil says 'You want to fight...The Black.'

Pamiyn nods very solemnly at Maneil. 'To smoke them, leaving them as nothing but ash before us.'

Wellaby says 'If he comes to claim this world.. what choice will there be?'

Wotharg says 'Not a choice in me stubborn ead eh'

Maneil says 'If he wishes this world...'

Maneil says 'There will be very little we can do to stop him.'

Wellaby says 'He was banished once, Maneil. It can be done again.'

Wotharg says '' If we work tagether, anythin is possible'

Wellaby says 'I will not stand idle and watch the good people of this world fall.'

Wellaby says 'This is why we have spoken with Pamiyn about alliances. All, aside from Nexus, will stand against him.'

Maneil says 'Is this why I was called?'

Maneil says 'To fight The Black?'

Wellaby says 'I dunno my friend.'

Wellaby says 'I pray and reflect but I do not know anything for sure.'

Wellaby says 'You serve Irumeru, yes?'

Maneil says 'I serve the one that called for me.'

Wotharg raises an eyebrow at Wellaby's weird actions.

Maneil says 'Irumeru...I don't believe it was him.'

Wellaby says 'Was it not Irumeru who called for you?'

Wellaby says 'Then.. who?'

Wotharg shakes out his legs while rubbing them vigorously.

Maneil sighs.

Wotharg says 'Fergive me, duty calls'

Wotharg closes his eyes momentarily.

Wotharg steps through a gate and vanishes.

Wotharg's Knight Avatar steps through a gate and vanishes.

Pamiyn nods once, politely.

Maneil says 'I'm not sure...Sir Healer.'

Wellaby says 'You believe it to be Sirant perhaps?'

Maneil looks at you.

Maneil says 'You sir. You smell of his altar.'

Pamiyn bites into his lip. 'Myself, or Sir Devereau?'

Maneil says 'You.'

You say 'I have stood before the altars of many in my lifetime, yet I have taken with me the essence of only one.'

Wellaby says 'I do not know what to think of this Maneil.'

Maneil says 'Take me there...'


Mordvin rides in.

Maneil says 'It has been to long.'

Mordvin says 'And what is this.'

Mordvin closes his eyes momentarily.

A country bumpkin arrives suddenly.

Wellaby looks at Mordvin.

Pamiyn bites into his lip, staring straight at Mordvin, the bright aura surrounding him flaring and flickering wildly.

Mordvin says 'Dear lord.'

Mordvin says 'Your on fire.'

Mordvin says 'Better drop some of that water on yerself.'

Maneil says 'So there is still Light left.'

Wotharg flies in.

Wotharg's Knight Avatar walks in.

Mordvin says 'Well.'

Mordvin says 'It stinks far too bad here for me.'

Mordvin says 'Dwarf, human AND half breed elf.'

Pamiyn blinks once, almost ignoring the intrusion.

Mordvin rides south.

Maneil grasps your shoulder.

Maneil says 'Take me there...'

Wotharg says ''Ah k laddies...'

Pamiyn shakes his head, as if snapping out of a trance. 'Yes, yes, Maneil.'

Mordvin rides in.

You say 'Sirs, would you perhaps wish to come?'

Mordvin narrows his eyes.

A country bumpkin screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

Wotharg says '' i be writin a scroll, but fer now i must depart eh'

Mordvin says 'For you three.'

A country bumpkin's sores vanish.

Mordvin rides south.

Mordvin rides in.

Mordvin narrows his eyes.

A country bumpkin screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

A country bumpkin writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

Mordvin's sickness hits a country bumpkin.

Mordvin rides south.

Wellaby closes his eyes momentarily.

A country bumpkin's sores vanish.

Wellaby shakes his head.

Wotharg smiles happily.

Pamiyn nods at Wotharg. 'Understood, Sir.'

Wotharg says '' ye all be good!'

Pamiyn lets out a heavy sigh.

Wellaby says 'I will not come. Maneil must reflect on his own.'

Maneil says 'This will not be reflection, Kind Healer.'

You say 'Then we shall speak shortly, Sir Devereau.'

Pamiyn smiles at Wellaby sincerely.

You say 'At this moment in time, the Lord grants me the slightest of portion of His grand Heroism.'

Maneil says 'That is fine.'

Maneil says 'Some provisions for the trip, Sir Healer?'

Wellaby says 'Why do you wish to see the altar Maneil?'

Maneil says 'I must see...if my candle is still there...'

You tell Wellaby 'I believe I understand Maneil's needs.'

Wellaby tells you 'What do you believe my friend?'

You tell Wellaby 'I shall speak with him, Sir, to affirm my beliefs. '

You tell Wellaby 'You will see, shortly.'

You mount upon the back of the Goliath.

Maneil now follows you.

Pamiyn motions to Maneil. 'Hop on.'

Maneil joins your group.

You say 'Sir Devereau, be safe for now.'

Maneil points to the Warhorse outside.

Wellaby says 'Be safe.'

Pamiyn nods at Maneil.

Wellaby tells you 'Aye. Please inform me of what you find. I had intended to offer you my squireship until I received my visions. I hope I have not misinterpreted things.'

--- We ride to the Shrine.

The Shrine of Purity

Upon entering the Shrine of Purity you feel cleansed of body and soul.

The whole room is a pale white that seems to shimmer and there are no

blemishes upon the surfaces. A small shrine sits meekly in the corner and

radiates a dull whilte glow that pulses warmth. Young attendants clad in

white robes scurry around the room doing small tasks, while some are reading

small books.

[Exits: down]

A shrine radiating a warm glow pulses here.

Maneil rides in.

You close the door below you.

You dismount from the Goliath.

Pamiyn kneels down on the ground, and lowers his head.

Maneil dismounts from a warhorse.

Maneil quietly paces the room, searching.

Pamiyn looks up. 'What are you searching for?'

Maneil says 'No...it's not here...'

Pamiyn bites into his lower lip.

Maneil says 'My...candle.'

You say 'Your candle?'

Maneil frantically looks all around the shrine.

Maneil stops one of the attendants.

Maneil says 'You.'

Maneil says 'Have you seen...'

Maneil sighs.

Maneil says 'It's no use...'

Maneil motions for the attendant to carry on.

Pamiyn motions to the attendant quickly, 'Hold!'

Pamiyn turns to Maneil, and bites his lip.

You say 'Is it not worth a try?'

Maneil sighs.

Maneil says 'Wait...'

Maneil says 'We just entered through the Elderwood...'

Pamiyn turns back to the attendant. 'I apologise, good Sir.'

You say 'That is correct.'

Maneil says 'The altar has been moved?!'

Maneil grabs the attendant by the shoulder.

Maneil says 'You there!'

Maneil says 'When was this shrine moved?!'

Pamiyn watches the encounter with some curiosity.

--- I see/hear nothing as Maneil speaks with the attendant.

You say 'He does talk rather quietly for my ears. Did he provide any information?'

Maneil doesn't seem to have heard you...he still focuses on the attendant.

Maneil says 'How do you know my name, priest.'

Pamiyn folds his arms, watching closely.

--- Again, Maneil speaks with the attendant.

Maneil walks over to a small trunk in the corner of the room, hidden almost completely by shadows.

Pamiyn keeps his eyes clamped on Maneil, and he tilts his head to one side.

Maneil tenderly kneels down, and blows the dust from the trunk.

Maneil says 'Two hundred years...has it been that long?'

Pamiyn asks, speaking quietly, quite cautiously, 'Is this.. what you are looking for?'

Maneil turns his head to the side to say 'This...this is.

Pamiyn takes a step forward. 'May I come closer? This.. this appears to be of some significance to you.'

Maneil says to you 'In my saddlebag, there is a satchel.

Maneil says 'A key should still be inside.'

Maneil says 'Toss it here?'

Pamiyn nods, turning towards your steed and walking towards it. He fishes about inside the bag, looking about.

Pamiyn produces a small key from the bag, and walks towards you, holding it out in his hand.

Maneil stands, taking the trunk, and brings it twords the center of the room.

Maneil nods at you in agreement.

Maneil says 'That is it.'

Pamiyn nods once.

Maneil stops at the shrine, and lays the trunk down.

Maneil takes the key from your hand, and gently unlocks the trunk.

Pamiyn watches intently.

Maneil trys to calm himself, but his whole body begins to shake.

Maneil closes his eyes for a moment and regulates his breathing.

You say 'Maneil? Are you alright?'

Maneil says 'I will be fine, Sir.'

You say 'Of course.'

Maneil opens the trunk, and removes a tattered tabard.

Maneil smiles happily.

Maneil says 'My old uniform.'

You say 'For what purpose was the uniform?'

Maneil chuckles and turns around showing it to you. It bears the crest of the Knights.

Wellaby tells you 'Are you still within the shrine?'

You tell Wellaby 'That we are.'

Wellaby tells you 'Could you step outside and summon a pig?'

You tell Wellaby 'A moment.'

Wellaby tells you 'Surely.'

You tell Wellaby 'I shall inform you when we are ready, Sir Devereau. We speak as ones of Lord Irumeru's Church of Purity.'

Wellaby tells you 'With all due respect I risk much by taking him in under my honor. His hesitance has made me very concerned.'

You tell Wellaby 'There is, very good reason for his hesitance, good Sir.'

You tell Wellaby 'Please trust me, all shall become clear very soon.'

Maneil says 'Memories, Sir Avatar. Memories of worthy foes, and valient allies.'

Pamiyn looks at the tabbard with some interest.

Maneil says 'I was called here before.'

Maneil says 'To fight the Horde of Nexus.'

--- He gives me a mushroom because my hunger hurts me.

'Thank you,' Pamiyn says, before continuing. 'I see.'

Maneil says 'When vampires threatened to take control of these lands.'

Maneil reaches into the trunk and pulls out an old parchment.

Maneil chuckles politely.

Maneil says 'My induction papers.'

You say 'I have heard of your battles in the Inquisitor's Library.'

Pamiyn nods at Maneil.

Maneil smiles happily.

Maneil says 'There...there it is.'

Maneil takes a simple white candle from the trunk.

Maneil says 'Sir Avatar.'

Pamiyn peers at Maneil intently.

You say 'Sir Maneil.'

Maneil says 'You can still feel him?'

You say 'Always.'

Maneil says 'His Light? His Warmth?'

You say 'His Light dispels the shadows around us, His warmth protecting.'

Maneil nods at you, then turns and places his candle on the shrine and backs away.

Pamiyn takes steps back also, standing in line with you.

Maneil says 'Kneel with me, Sir Avatar.'

Pamiyn climbs down one one knee.

Maneil says 'Pray with me...that his light will show itself.'

As he lowers his head and closes his eyes, the bright aura surrounding Pamiyn begins to brighten slightly.

Maneil bows his head.

--- We wait, for a period of time.

Maneil raises his head, and sighs, looking at his candle in despair.

Maneil rises to his feet.

Maneil says 'Perhaps it was a mistake to come here.'

Blood trickles down from the wound on Pamiyn's lip, leaving spatters on his knees. He appears to remain in prayer.

Pamiyn looks up at you. 'Why is it a mistake?'

Maneil says 'He...doesn't hear me.'

Pamiyn climbs to his feet, and looks at you.

Maneil slowly turns his back, and walks to the exit, but a wave of warmth blows through the door stopping him in his tracks.

Pamiyn smiles slightly, as he looks at you.

Maneil turns to look at the shrine.

Maneil chuckles politely.

Maneil says 'You and your tests, Lord Irumeru...'

Pamiyn smiles again. 'Do you wish to know something, Maneil?'

Maneil smiles happily.

Maneil says 'What is that, Sir Avatar.'

Pamiyn motions to the candle upon the altar. 'When your back was turned, it was

I that lit this candle, not our Lord.'

Maneil peers at you intently.

Pamiyn looks at you, his head tilted to one side. 'I was told something, Maneil, when I was graced with His Will.'

Maneil says 'And what was that?'

You say 'No matter how much we feel as though we veer of His path, no matter how much we feel as though his presence is with us no longer,

we must have complete faith in ourselves, and have faith in our faith.'

You say 'It is us, that must make the changes that make unlit candles, sources of light that dispel the Dark.'

The candle flickers and flares, it's flame becoming more intense behind Pamiyn.

Maneil seems lost his his own thoughts a moment, but then looks up and smiles.

Pamiyn smiles politely.

Maneil says 'It is good. Isn't it.'

You say 'What is that?'

Maneil says 'To have such companions.'

Pamiyn chuckles.

Maneil reaches out and clasps your arm.

Maneil looks you in the eyes 'Thank you.

Pamiyn flinches slightly under your grip.

Maneil chuckles politely.

Pamiyn looks straight into your eyes. 'I am glad you have said that, Maneil. Do you wish to know why?'

Maneil relinquishes his grasp and asks 'Why is that?

Pamiyn motions to the candle with a point of his free arm. 'Because I didn't really light that.'

Maneil says 'Oh...now you're going to get it...'

Maneil grins evilly at you. Hmmm. Better keep your distance.

Maneil brings you down in a playful tackle!

Maneil pins you to the ground.

Pamiyn grins widely, laid out onto the ground, struggling for words, 'But you see, Maneil..'

Maneil laughs aloud 'Yes? More words of wisdom?

Maneil takes a free hand and pokes you in the ribs.

Maneil lets out a hearty laugh.

Pamiyn shakes his head. 'None at all.' and he grins again.

Maneil rises to his feet, extending a hand to aid you up.

You say 'My subterfuge was merely attempted, so as to show you that we need not rely upon signs from our Lord.'

Pamiyn extends a hand to meet yours, and he climbs to his feet.

Maneil says 'Life is good, is it not?'

Pamiyn chuckles. 'It has it's moments.'

Maneil yells 'I'M BACK!'

Maneil says 'Inform Sir Wellaby of our return, I'll gather the horses!'

Maneil opens the door below you.

Pamiyn turns to the candle. 'What of this, Maneil? Shall we leave it burning?'

Maneil bows one last time at the shrine, and his lit candle.

You say 'A symbol.'

You tell Wellaby 'I have some grand news for you.'

Wellaby tells you 'I am listening.'

Maneil says 'It will diminish itself, when my task here is acomplished.'

Pamiyn nods once, and smiles again.

You say 'To our steeds.'

Maneil nods.

Maneil walks down.

Maneil mounts on the back of a warhorse.

The ground shaking under its hoofs the Goliath comes to your side!

You mount upon the back of the Goliath.

You tell Wellaby 'Where shall we find you, Sir? The Castle again?'

Wellaby tells you 'I am on the western eridani.'

You tell Wellaby 'Understood.'

You tell Wellaby 'We shall come to you.'

--- We head to Wellaby.

Maneil says 'What? The Sigil actually venture away from the Castle these days?'

You say 'That they do.'

The Eridani River

[Exits: east south (down)]

The nexus gateway being overrun by Knight.

A column of crusaders attacking Nexus.

( 4) Vultures pick at remains of a column of Crusaders.

A magical spring flows from the ground here.

Ikcerabis is here.

(Charmed) (White Aura) Wellaby's Knight Avatar stands here.

(White Aura) Wellaby is here.

Maneil rides in.

Maneil gives out a hearty laugh.

Wellaby gallantly tips his hat.

Maneil says 'So they do!'

Pamiyn smiles, and nods at all present.

You say 'Humblest of greetings.'

Wellaby says 'Hullo my friends.'

Pamiyn bites into his lip softly.

Maneil nods at Wellaby.

--- Triathix makes his presence known...

Wellaby says 'The ranger..'

Ikcerabis frowns, ' I fail to see the need for laughter when we stand at the foot of a battle..

Ikcerabis looks at Maneil.

Ikcerabis looks at you.

Ikcerabis looks at Maneil.

You say 'Morale, good friend.'

You say 'One can laugh in even the direst of times.'

Maneil says 'Sir Ogre. It is time you lightened up. And enjoyed life a little.'

Maneil encompasses Ikcerabis in an ENORMOUS bearhug!

Wellaby says 'What news do you have?'

Maneil says 'You'll have to excuse my exuberance.'

Maneil nods at you in agreement.

Maneil nods at Wellaby.

Ikcerabis forces a smiles, disliking such an embrace, ' Al..right..Hah..we send more into battle..

Maneil says 'I accept your offer, Sir Wellaby.'

Wellaby nods.

Wellaby says 'I am glad to hear it.'

Maneil says 'Not near as glad as I.'

Maneil chuckles politely.

Maneil nods.

Ikcerabis frowns, ' I need a fire lance..

Pamiyn bites into his lip lightly once more. 'Mmmm.'

Wellaby says 'Both of you need to equip for a long battle.'

You say 'Very much so.'

Maneil chuckles politely.

Maneil says 'Shall we then?'

Maneil nods at you in agreement.

You nod.

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