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So I saw it last night. Actually I'll give the movie a good rating, maybe four out of five. A few of the people that I went with did actually get a little woozy from the "Shakey-Cam" film style, but I wasn't affected really. The movie did have a few one liners, but they tried to keep it fairly serious. If anyone wants to make a thread with spoilers feel free, but I won't put any in here to keep the mystery for they whom have not yet seen it.

P.S. Also awesome news, the trailers in the beginning of the movie also showed the super secret project that J.J. Abrams has also been working on, a new Star Trek movie!!!!

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Thats the point I think, they want to keep it AS IF YOU WERE THERE.

You dont know what it was, you just know you had to run like hell.

I have to say this is one of the best movies I have seen in a VERY long time. The shakey POV camera made the film SO much MORE intense then if it was filmed in a third person persepective.

I hope there is a sequel that will answer all those questions that have been in my mind just like WK.

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Because of you guys I checked out this movie and I must say I was impressed. Also, the first person POV was well done. The only gripes I had were that the movie was short (1hr 20min or so?), and I too want to know what the hell that thing and its babies was, as well as what happened to the city. I also didnt who survive *mutter* stupid emo characters should always die first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright...if you have seen this movie then you only need to think about 2 things to understand what it was (in a general sense), where it came from, and what happened to it and NYC. 1. Hammer Down Protocol. They mention it and explain what it is when they are in the military makeshift hospital. Then mention it again after the helicopter crash. Listen carefully and you know whats up. 2. The final scene, when it changes over to Rob and Beth on the ferris wheel at Coney Island when the camera is pointed towards the Long Island Sound before they show Rob and Beth...see anything?

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SPOILER ALERT: 1. They mention the Hammer Down Protocol and say the government was willing to lose the entire area. They nuked Manhatten.

2. If you look out over the water the camera is filming in the final ferris wheel scene before Rob and Beth are on the screen, you can see "it" drop into the water from the sky at a pretty fast velocity. You can safely hypothesize it came from outer space.

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You can hypothesize that, but you would be wrong according to J.J. Abrams. Abrams claims that what you saw falling from the sky was not the monster, but a satellite owned by the Slusho company - the japanese company that Rob was going to work for - and consequently it may have been what disturbed the monster, who Abrams hints was living underneath the ocean the whole time. Living in a place with such high pressure would explain why the monster's hide was so thick. Maybe we will see a Cloverfield 2 in the near future.

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J.J. would know if anyone, but I would tend to think a satellite falling back to earth would be doing that whole falling apart, on fire, huge splash thing. That and New York harbor has its basin mapped every month with sonar...JJ left plot holes if that is the true story behind it.

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Augh. I hate hearing that from people. "It's just like Godzilla; I don't want to see it! Blah blah blah!" It was better than Godzilla. I liked the movie, but I thought it had a really bad ending.

As far as the monster goes, I think the entire point was to leave everything covered up, and have the main issue be that there's a huge monster in the city, and what they did would be what you would do.

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SPOILER ALERT: 1. They mention the Hammer Down Protocol and say the government was willing to lose the entire area. They nuked Manhatten.

If they nuked the area, I REALLY gotta get one of those cameras. Super battery life- even when using flashlight and night vision mode, AND nuke resistant?

They didn't nuke the whole area, they carpetbombed the crap out of the monster though. And MAYBE used tactical nukes...but they didn't nuke it immediately, who would have sorted through the rubble to find a working video?

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