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| Iozui || Stalker of STALKER |


| Str: 21(21) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 38(257h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: druid Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 18(18) || Race : werebeast Align: neutral |

| Dex: 21(21) || Hp : 138/798 Exp : 144314/440286 |

| Con: 15(15) || Mana : 229/763 |

\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 408/408 +Hit: 6 +Dam: 7 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Krounoi |

| Slash : 40 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Neutrality |

| Pierce: 40 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/425 |

| Blunt : 40 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/38 |

| Magic : 40 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 8 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 0 CP: 236 |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| 4 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |

| You are a ghost. |



I have to say I love druids but probably wont play one again was my first.

Against mobs they were machines but against a necro and charmies and a vampire with charmie just wasnt fun to get it handed to me every time. Oh well I have allerady started a new project for watcher, something new of course I have grown tired of playing ninja thief variations and hate goods so this one will be very different.

Thanks to all who tried to help with tactics especially Martineus for letting me know of that one skill, I just kept using the other one becuause it seemed I kept getting my butt handed to me with it, but after Iozui's final fight I see the druid staple, thanks.

Also thanks to Eshaine you gave me a chance and I am sure you too are tired of seeing failure after failure which is why I felt it was time to leave.

Araye man 2 in as many days had fun with you and Mia though.

And Broax good buds from lowbies thanks for alot of good times.

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Why are all the watchers deleting? You will have none soon.

Ah, go look at nearly every other post on the board. They have to deal with something about tribunals and outlaw and whatnot. That should give you a sufficient reason why watchers are deleting.

I'm not saying tribunals are overpowered or whatnot. I'm saying that a lot of people perceive them to be overpowered for one reason or another.

Besides, it's a balance of power thing. Give it a month or so, and it will be all watchers no tribunals. Power always shifts.

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I agree with the foot being on the other foot, however Ill be back with a class I am better suited for (Protective shield)(fly) etc... Besides Iozui dont have a whole lot of lives left and is dying 4 to 5 times a day to Tribunal and at least one more to mobs a day, and throw in about 2 bloodthirsty necromancers that have caught me off guard, woulda con died in 3 or 4 more days anyway.

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Ah, go look at nearly every other post on the board. They have to deal with something about tribunals and outlaw and whatnot. That should give you a sufficient reason why watchers are deleting.

I'm not saying tribunals are overpowered or whatnot. I'm saying that a lot of people perceive them to be overpowered for one reason or another.

Besides, it's a balance of power thing. Give it a month or so, and it will be all watchers no tribunals. Power always shifts.

Yeah watchers are beat, we all know that. But why are they deleting? Just put the char on hold till trib is gone, Raoh if you delete I'm going to mess you up good sucka.

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Yeah watchers are beat' date=' we all know that. But why are they deleting? Just put the char on hold till trib is gone, Raoh if you delete I'm going to mess you up good sucka.[/quote']

See thats the fing problem with some people. Im glad people are dleteing instead of putting crap on hold. If they just sit on hold, how are other people suppose to get into watcher and see what they can do?


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People are deleting because they are freeing up a slot that isnt fair to place a char on hold to the others that want to join. Also The characters that are on hold are being slotted for being punted out of watcher, several have allready been and there are several more that have been demoted and are on thier way out due to inactivity. I for one when my new character is ready to join watchers again hope there isnt 5 characters on hold leaving it unable to get in.

Common coutesy and fairplay to the other characters. Like getting a vampire and not playing it for 9 months just takes a slot when others really want to try one.

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Yeah, I think "storage" should only be used for characters that do not have any responsibility. Then again I dont know how anyone in a cabal can still play others characters regularly. My one cabal experience was pretty cool and I remember I sometimes needed a break and log something else, or even roll a new char to find out why I just got stomped by race/class. But then I would see Eshaine on who and I would feel guilty for not being logged on my Watcher.

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I hate to see all the watchers quiting, but I do understand how frustrating things might get. It's a real shame though....Watcher is like the only thing standing in the way of the Tribs, and with everyone leaving plus Syndi being pretty much dead right now what's to stop them from just getting stronger?

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See thats the fing problem with some people. Im glad people are dleteing instead of putting crap on hold. If they just sit on hold, how are other people suppose to get into watcher and see what they can do?


Cabal leave confirm


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wow sorry didnt mean to step over the line with the uber qclass info, I actually wasnt looking at it from that point of view since it is far easier to gain a druid then demon, crusader, undead, vampire, hell they dont even need imm approval or an app. The only reason I even made this one is because my five year old son completed the quests messing around with a ranger and I said cool, and beleive me if he can get one anyone can. Ill watch it in the future.

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