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English lad

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Not deleted - not quite but close enough...

hence a brief break, knowing my will power it will only be a few days, but if I don't take a break i WILL delete him so this is better. No one thing that tipped me over but spending 90% of my playtime trying to put together very basic sets only to get steamrolled by decked people in 5 mins is starting to get old.

So far a real disappointment of a character, but then I suppose my first ever melee character was probably going to be rough.

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I hear it's pretty rough with the current Nexus set-up. Active clerics/shaman definitely won't help either. All I can say is just keep on trucking - with classes like the cleric/shaman, it's a matter of finding out the 'point of no return' - the point in the battle where if you stay, you're likely going to die - and run before you reach it. Easier said than done, but I feel your pain fighting those classes without EQ to compete - especially as an Ogre. It is possible to fight towards a stalemate, however, so as to prolong life until you can get some equipment or eventually catch your foe off-guard.

Would be a shame to see you go if you did, however. I have had some really enjoyable interactions with Burich, and it's a shame our playtimes don't always align - strange seeing as we're both from England. ;)


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I would have tryed a Halfling ranger.

As rares are scarce and almost no lagers in Nexus.

Also when Chompa player he hardly was ever visible, but you are most times not camouflaged. Rangers are a bit roguish, with you ambushing them, not the oposite. ;)

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Hey man, stick it out. Those turnip-eating mo'fo's think they can put you outta the game. Don't let 'em. Take the hits, take the deaths, and try to give a few back. If you can't do that, then just sit back and learn from your losses. Burich is a cool character and I like him. So do what you gotta do and come back stronger.

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Armor and Shield on top of Barkskin... Nice!

Bless, but yes use Warcry

Frenzy, nope.. Thats a cleric..

Accession is the SNIZZLE..


Sanc, save some of those hard to get staves.

and A good pet, and those good arrows for the nasties...

Ogre Ranger T Knight = Booyaah!!!!

If only not for those blasted Consumables which I still dont have a grasp on...

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Yes I played Daerlion.

My PC died in December, and I couldn't get a new one until end of january, hence Daerlion got booted from Knight.

I thought about bringing him back, but by the time I got back Knight was Immless again, and It seemed to clearly be in need of Praetorians more than Sigil. I'd never played a Melee before, so I thought I'd give it a go.

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Well in terms of relative power, as an Elf cleric in Sigil I knew that I would NEVER die, unless I took risks (apart from against a monk who could shred me (> Forsaken ). However I also knew that no-one would die to me unless they were willing to take similar risks.

As a Praetorian Ranger I know I have the ability to F**k up people very quickly, and as an Archer, I can often mess people up without them having an option to respond to it. However when it comes to fighting decked Nexus I am meat..every single time..

As a Sigil Elf cleric I knew I could pretty much live forever if I wanted to, but I wouldn't kill anybody unless they messed up. As an Praetorian Ogre Ranger I know that a lot of combinations will destroy me, but I will, and have, got kills due to the sheer amount of damage I can put out quickly.

As a huge amount of this game is based on what equip you can get, and hold on tom I would say the Power swings toward the Cleric. You can fight for awhile and then just flee with no chance of getting killed, thus not losing your set and over time building up a ridiculous set, if you are willing to flee when required and not lose rares whilst building your set.

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