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Sir Wellaby Devereau


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| Wellaby || Oracle of SIGIL |


| Str: 17(17)^3 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 151(567h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: healer Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : halfling Align: good |

| Dex: 25(25)^3 || Hp : 818/818 Exp : 166645/380955 |

| Con: 20(20)^2 || Mana : 1258/1258 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 422/422 +Hit: 25 +Dam: 12 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Koevhar |

| Slash : -456 || Spell : -42 || Faith : Compassion |

| Pierce: -457 || Afflictive : -35 || Weight: 115/305 |

| Blunt : -458 || Maledictive: -56 || Items : 20/41 |

| Magic : -404 || Mental : -52 || Prac : 6 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 6170 CP: 8.9k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| [KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing. |


You have mastered the following:

1. armor

2. bless

3. cancellation

4. create food

5. cure blindness

6. cure disease

7. cure poison

8. curse

9. detect evil

10. detect invis

11. detect magic

12. detect traps

13. dispel evil

14. dispel magic

15. faerie fire

16. fly

17. gate

18. heal

19. identify

20. locate object

21. pass door

22. protection

23. sanctuary

24. shield

25. stone skin

26. summon

27. flail

28. mace

29. shield block

30. whip

31. hand to hand

32. parry

33. second attack

34. fast healing

35. meditation

36. recall

37. protective shield

38. turn undead

39. ward of the crown

40. trance

41. staff

42. divine retribution

43. prayer

44. accession

45. dispel undead

46. diplomacy

47. leadership

I took some time off and thought things through.. decided to go ahead and delete. I made some mistakes in roleplay, especially early on, and I felt like that coupled with my constant bickering with the Praetorians it was best for me to leave Knight. I kept waiting for an elite to make a Praet and hop on the bus but it never seemed to work out. I got tired of constantly retaking lands and fighting multiple foes.. I think this is best.

NOW! Enough with that negativity! I did have a BLAST playing this character and I have learned SOOO very much about this place. I am not sure what is next for me but something that can kill for sure! Being good ALL THE TIME gets really old.

Need to give a shout out to WOT! For being my constant comrade. Hambone... great interactions with you. Pamiyn.. wish you would have stuck around! The Anah sisters.. always a treat. Laahlahni... we had some great RP.. lots of Fun! Triathix, Drayson for beating the crap out of me in the beginning. I learned a lot from those fights. Mephi for being such an interesting fellow. Uhril and Selgeke for always keeping me on my toes. And of course the IMMs -especially Taeltrin- for putting up with me.

There have been a lot of interaction so anyone I am forgetting... THANKS!

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