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VOTE! New Month - Lets make a Drive for top 10


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Well we have over 330 outgoing hits onto our website from the TMS page. As much as I appreciate the time IMMS put in for free, i really think we could do with launching the new website if we want to capitalize on the publicity we're getting from this voting.

Or maybe move the link from our entry to the forums until we have a chance to update the website.

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I agree would could use the website launch with the updated information soon.

I just hope people show to the forums. I try to let them know about the forums over newb chat...

Hell, everyone knows the forums are where it's at! You can hang with all your peeps like Eshaine and Malch! :D

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The Website situation:

The current website is on Arzaeth's server. He is the only one who can make changes on it. He has been Missing In Action for some time now. Therefore, there is nothing we can really do about that one.

The new website project has been outsourced to a player who will work with the framework from the second beta design.

Everyone clamors for a new website, but unless you are proficient enough to create said website and offer to do so, then you should cut the guys who are trying a break. Not only is it pure ingratitude to sharply criticize someone's hard work as "being made by a 12 year old" or "it sucks" it is also rude and it grates my nerves something fierce. Basically, it comes down to the old addage "Put up, or shut up". If you cannot add something to the current project, then shut your mouth, or I will shut it for you - hard.

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