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Well, unfortunately this is the end of Wurven. I had put in an app to extend his life... but I guess I shoulda done it a bit earlier. This character was an absolute blast to play, had tons of fun rp'ing with everyone. Specific shoutouts to Anume, Malchaeius, Laahlahnni, that whole mini plot thing was awesome. To Orodreth, and the other knights, it is a shame you guys didn't stick it out longer. To the Nexus, I had planned on making my move to elder, unfortunately some RL stuff kept me away for a few weeks. To anyone thinking about making a lich, do it. They are frickin sweet, but quite a challenge. There are a couple of things in my opinion that could use to be tweaked, but man they can be quite a powerhouse. Well, I suppose I shall have to start up another project.

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You' date=' Ilendriel, Orodreth, and Burich in the Shas hospital basement right after Laahlahni gave birth remains some of the best RP I've ever had here. And damnit, I wanted my come-back char to kill you! ;)[/quote']

Yeah, I would have to agree on that scene in the hospital. That has thus far been my one of my favorite moments. I was really worried that Orodreth was gonna just kill me, and man was I pleasantly surprised. And don't worry, I am sure my next project you will enjoy. That or you can just roll up another invoker, I'll roll up another fire warrior and we can go at it like old times.

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I had high esteem for Wurven. Good job.

Back when he was Wurven the wizard, he tried to sell me some drugs.

I replied "I get high on life"

Wurven tells you "This is life, in a powder..."

Made me laugh for quite awhile. I had fun interactions with Wurven over three or so characters.

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