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Unknown Brother

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So the other day at work I was thinking of all the good adrenaline pumping pk's I had on fl, so I log on today and I see a lot of neat changes since I left.

On a side note, its kinda funny how long some of us have been here, I'm almost 20 now, and I started here on my first year in jr high, anyway.

Whats the balance of power like now? What cabal is dominating and what one needs an old-schooler? I feel like helping an underdog.

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From what I hear - the general consensus was roll a knight, to be honest it always almost seems to be that way, as most PK vets seem to prefer the freedom of a more chaotic/evil character. Not that there aren't the exceptions of course (thinking Orodreth, Wyslign, Brendyn, Ilendriel (sps?) ) But they seem to be less tenacious and all dominating than evils played by the same people.

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