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Non-giant warrior?


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I want to make a non-giant warrior, but I'm not sure if I wouldn't just be wasting my time. Is a non-giant warrior a viable option? I was thinking Avian, slith or maybe even feral. How frustrated would I be playing such a combo and do you guys have any specific advice when going this rout?

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Smaller races tend to trade strength and size for dexterity. You're likely going to do better against casters/communers with a small race (giants have vulns with the exception of minotaur, the smaller warrior races can more easily cover any vulns they may have) but your problem will be against laggers and trying to lag your foes, the latter being less of a problem if you are a good chaser.

Slith would be my choice. Keep plenty of . Again, smaller races tend to trade strength and size for dexterity - Slith still has nice strength, no vulns so to speak and some nice perks. Warrior is an EQ dependant class. With giant warriors, your EQ is going to be focused on having adequate saves whilst maintaining your high hit/dam. With a smaller race, I'd focus slightly more on hit/dam EQ, and ensure you have plenty of AC for bashes/bodyslams. Of course, all situational depending on your foes and all that.

Just because you are smaller, doesn't mean you have any combat disadvantages against a giant aside from lagging. Sure, the giant can laglock, but if you have a great set of EQ (which any warrior race needs to do well, small or large) then you are going to deflect a lot of damage and avoid laglocks much better whilst dishing out damage yourself. Giant can get potentially a higher hit/dam figure but any giant that goes pure hit/dam is leaving themself open to casters and communers.

IMO certain small races would make great warriors. They would just take a slightly different approach to equipping and fighting.



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There is a huge differance between small size, average size and giant size warriors. In my opinion, the giant size races' greatest perk is the ability to use a twohanded weapon in one hand. This opens up for a wide ranger of choices, as some of the best weapons in the game are twohanded.

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Like Dey Said.

Non-giants will kick a mages arse.

Non-giants will get bashed to hell and back by giants.

That being said, here is a list of warrior-races that will get beaten down less by giants. In order of effectiveness.

Slith (evil, good, neutral, in that order.)

Avian (I always hear about a minor lag protection and the amount of times they evade my bashes, I believe it)

Feral (the toughest of the top three, but with niice perks)

halfling (You will not get a chance to do ANYTHING in battle against a Giant. that being said, my halfer warrior still won. Lol, he was a Gladiator exotic master with an arctron)


Gnome (Gnomes suck)

Faerie (Just incase Dey tries something new again)

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I remember Viri posting something how he player Avian warriors. But this was pre Avian changed.

Since then they gotten Sickness vulnerability turned into Air Vulnerability and a bash evade bonus (coupled with Faeries).

High Dex races, also have other thing going for them. They are better at dirt kick. If you know your terrains (and are lucky) you can get that 2 rounds advance by landing your dirt while his misses.

I would say Neutral so you can kill faster. But if slith evil, for eye protection.

Disclaimer: I don't PK with Warriors, so its just theory.

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In my experience, it is extremely hard to laglock a larger enemy as a medium or small sized character. Giants differ because they can easily laglock pretty much anything else, regardless of their size. Because of this, medium and small-sized warriors necessitate the training of both trip and bash. Depending on which race you choose, it will be very obvious which lag your character is leaned towards more: trip or bash. However, don't play a warrior race based on what innate bonuses it gets. Play what appeals to you and what roleplay ideas you want to have. Even if you lose all your PKs, the game will still be fun that way.

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However' date=' don't play a warrior race based on what innate bonuses it gets. Play what appeals to you and what roleplay ideas you want to have. Even if you lose all your PKs, the game will still be fun that way.[/quote']

While there is some truth to this, as a caballed avian warrior who was perpetually naked and consistently gated to by decked necros and battlemages casting their spells with a +25 level bonus, I can say that the game was definitely NOT still fun. I mean, if dying without fighting back was fun for us, we'd all roll Heralds or refuse to train dispel magic/bash/etc. right? :)

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I've only ever trained 5 or so characters in the conventional sense, and one never made it past 30. If you just play your character, the things that are important will get used and master fast anyways. This of course is assuming you don't delete characters like its your job (which accounts for most of our pbase I suppose). My latest char just mastered his last defense and he has a lot of hours.

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While there is some truth to this' date=' as a caballed avian warrior who was perpetually naked and consistently gated to by decked necros and battlemages casting their spells with a +25 level bonus, I can say that the game was definitely NOT still fun. I mean, if dying without fighting back was fun for us, we'd all roll Heralds or refuse to train dispel magic/bash/etc. right? :)[/quote']

It was fun to watch, though. But, in a way where it is fun to watch a car accident or something similar. :)


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I fought Virigoths avain warrior - I got caned and it wasn't to do with equipment either.

Most warrior races are viable - but it takes a diferent mindset to player giant and non-giant ones. You don't have the innate hit/dam so you have to use the eq to get it - meaning you have to know the eq and be able to 'get' it.

Weapon gaining and selection seems to be one of the harder obstalces (IMHO) to overcome as you dont' have access to the 2h/1h dual wields like giant sized warriors do. This is more of an advantage than bash even will be. Its not insurrmontable - however, you do need to get access to some of the more preium weapons in this scenario.

Giant warrior vs non-giant warrior isn't fait acompli by any means. Like I said - it just requires a different mindset and tactical adjustments as necessary.


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Guest emp_newb

I have played elf and feral warriors myself. And really it all comes down to your own personal style. If you have finesse, a bit more chasing speed than the average player pk is not a serious issue. Also there is ALOT more prep required. But that can be done in your typical downtime. From my experiences in the pk department though my vote is going for feral warrior. It has entirely too many advantages to not be my choice. From the mini fury, to fury, and the uber defenses and high ac are great as well. Slith with their spear mastery can prove for some nasty nasty charges, tail and shed are also nothing to laugh at.

But also, I will agree that smaller warriors are mage eaters. I played a Feral war for a bit, and I utterly ate almost all mages, espescially if you choose the right lore.

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Hmmm, well I also have been thinking of going slith. The only other warrior I ever played was a Storm Warrior who, while being able to survive, just couldn't dish out enough damage to get a kill. If playing a non-giant is just going to be worse I'll have to reconsider... :(

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Hmmm' date=' well I also have been thinking of going slith. The only other warrior I ever played was a Storm Warrior who, while being able to survive, just couldn't dish out enough damage to get a kill. If playing a non-giant is just going to be worse I'll have to reconsider... :([/quote']

The super-sexy stormie changes have fixed that.

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