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Kaurus R.I.P


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This was a fun character to come back and play with, but i have grown tired of playing him so i thought it was time to release him to the memories.

I want to thank valganti for making me elder, and to all people that was involved when old style cabal warfare went on (A few times there was 2-4 against 2-4 and that was like a blast from the past)

Dwarf clerics are fun to play and have extreme hit points ( i had some hp items so 1366 is hardly the base hp by the way). But i must say that good clerics is not as fun to play as evil ones (and not as good either). It annoyed me like hell that ray of truth is so much worse then path of deceit (and why is path so much cheaper to cast mana wise?) But all in all a rewarding class/combo to play that is hard as hell to kill.

Anyway here he was.....


| Kaurus || Chron Master of TEMPORUM |


| Str: 19(21)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 199(272h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: cleric Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 19(19) || Race : dwarf Align: good |

| Dex: 17(16) || Hp : 1316/1366 Exp : 79269/460931 |

| Con: 22(23) || Mana : 728/1042 |

\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 521/521 +Hit: 42 +Dam: 30 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malanith |

| Slash : -311 || Spell : -26 || Faith : Guile |

| Pierce: -331 || Afflictive : -45 || Weight: 358/425 |

| Blunt : -326 || Maledictive: -22 || Items : 28/31 |

| Magic : -365 || Mental : -36 || Prac : 8 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 56k CP: 665 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| [sAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |


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RE: Mya

Your saying he had 30 trains? That is impossible, he wasn't a gnome.

RE: Eshaine: I only dump 4 or 5 trains into moves. That is only an extra 40-50 HP. To me, 150 moves > 50 HP.

The other 140 (14) you often refer to is what happens when I cannot make any decisions and just end in stalemate. ;)

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Str: 19(21)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 199(272h) |

Int: 17(17) || Class: cleric Ethos: neutral |

Wis: 19(19) || Race : dwarf Align: good |

Dex: 17(16) || Hp : 1316/1366 Exp : 79269/460931 |

Con: 22(23) || Mana : 728/1042 |

Hes is missing 2 +1 +2 +1 + 3 Stat points: That is 9 Trains.

You can get normaly 15 Trains with 1 prac trains a la elf.

Quests can give more practices, HP's and Mana.

... Its amazing...

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I did not put 300 hp from trains.

I took first 3 + 10 that you got from start then i trained everything with 2 practice and converted the rest think it was another 5 trains from that then i did a quest that netted me 2 more trains.

so all in all i put 20 train into 200 hp.

To me hp is far better then everything else, some claim that you dont need much hp as a cleric since you can heal. All i can do is laugh at that because in my book its SOOO wrong.

my 1300-1390 (it varied between the armor and weaponry i was wearing) made me able to stand a few extra bonus rounds in the start of the combat even against hard hitters, i played it safe and fled when i was at about 700 hp to heal up if they where good chaser or had something extra i went down to perhaps 500 hp before i was gone. The lowest anyone took me was triathix that got me to 430 hp once when i tryied to get away from 900 hp to heal.

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I did not put 300 hp from trains.

I took first 3 + 10 that you got from start then i trained everything with 2 practice and converted the rest think it was another 5 trains from that then i did a quest that netted me 2 more trains.

so all in all i put 20 train into 200 hp.

To me hp is far better then everything else, some claim that you dont need much hp as a cleric since you can heal. All i can do is laugh at that because in my book its SOOO wrong.

my 1300-1390 (it varied between the armor and weaponry i was wearing) made me able to stand a few extra bonus rounds in the start of the combat even against hard hitters, i played it safe and fled when i was at about 700 hp to heal up if they where good chaser or had something extra i went down to perhaps 500 hp before i was gone. The lowest anyone took me was triathix that got me to 430 hp once when i tryied to get away from 900 hp to heal.

Lowest 430? You sure of that? There was this one time we were both running around water near pretty hurt / awful then my sanc drop and you got a nice ==DISENGRATES== on me. Then...I had to run away. Lol.

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Str: 19(21)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 199(272h) |

Int: 17(17) || Class: cleric Ethos: neutral |

Wis: 19(19) || Race : dwarf Align: good |

Dex: 17(16) || Hp : 1316/1366 Exp : 79269/460931 |

Con: 22(23) || Mana : 728/1042 |

Hes is missing 2 +1 +2 +1 + 3 Stat points: That is 9 Trains.

You can get normaly 15 Trains with 1 prac trains a la elf.

Quests can give more practices, HP's and Mana.

... Its amazing...

He was a dwarf, not elf. Thus, not privy to the 1 prac 75% prof. that elves are. I doubt he is hardcore enough to only use 1 prac for his spells. (As he stated) Even with your math, that still isn't 30. So I stand firm.

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So I stand firm.

And you stand correct. I also dont think its possible to get 30 trains as a Dwarf.

But +300 hp than the base 50, i am not so sure about the impossibility of this.

Dwarf Cleric:

18 Skills (1 weapon already at 40%)

+ 49 Prayers (5 practices at L1)


= 66 Practices to get all skills/spells (1 praced).

Level 50:

152 Pracs

13 trains

- 66 pracs

= 13 trains + 86 practices = 21 trains and 6 practices.

Target 30 trains or 300 pracs.

So we are missing 9 trains or 84 practices.

If you drop Kick,Cause light,Cure light, Cure serious, you gain +4 prac:

So now you only need:

8 trains or 80 practices.

Which i also concur that is impossible to atain.

Now with quests i think its possible to get 20 Hp's 2 trains a few more practices. With the Quests HP's it might be able to break the 300 HP barrier, but... i dont know how.

Perhaps with an adventurer.

There is a way to break 30 trains, but your characters becomes utterly gimped.

Make a Adventurer, dont train any of the Cleric skils/spells.

That gets you 15 + 13 trains = 28 trains.

If you do the quests to gain the two trains, you have now 30 trains to spend in HP.

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