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I'm wondering if there's any way to make an alias where the variable is part of the alias, i.e., instead of "destroy" being an alias for "kill %1", I want it to be one word..destroyrabbit will let me "kill rabbit". Is there any way to do this? I tried naming the alias destroy%w (for example), but that didn't work. Anyone know?

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Look for a variable command in the zMud help - I use variables and aliases in my client (JMC) to do this. This was one of the reasons I went to JMC from GMUD.

If you can find the commands post them here and I'll show you how to set it up.



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I'm actually more curious in finding out why you'd want to do this as opposed to setting an alias (which is more efficient) and typing an extra space.

Well...it is usually more efficient, but in this case it's not. ;)

I can't say too much or it will become obvious who I play. But anyway, thanks again for your help.

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Well...it is usually more efficient, but in this case it's not. ;)

I can't say too much or it will become obvious who I play. But anyway, thanks again for your help.

I reccomend wintin, especialy if your at least semi-profecient at programing or writing scripts of any kind.

Wintin uses no buffer for commands so everything is as direct to the mud as you can get without using mudside commands. You can make alias's just like you outlined in your op.

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Look for a variable command in the zMud help - I use variables and aliases in my client (JMC) to do this. This was one of the reasons I went to JMC from GMUD.

If you can find the commands post them here and I'll show you how to set it up.



Wow someone else that uses JMC! Oh the things I've done to my client :D

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