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Oh the Humanity!

Mister E

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Is it just me or do you find yourself spending more time gathering eq and training than actually playing your characters? Sometimes I stop and catch myself thinking "I wish I didn't have to spend so much damn time getting items and mastering skills and spells". I think if we somehow changed things a bit it would let more people spend more time RPing and PKing, generally having fun.

I think it is common for players to get very attached to their gear and it can be a devastating loss to get killed and fulled. Why is this so hard to take? I think it is because you spend countless hours training everything, more hours looking for groups to hunt, again more hours finding or not finding the eq you think you need, then in the matter of a minute sometimes you find yourself naked at your pit. No wonder people rage delete or just stop playing characters, it hurts to see something you have built up for a long time get run over in a heartbeat.

I think rares should be rarer, there should be no life insurance, and there should be ways to get a decent set of non rare equipment quickly and easily. This way players can spend more time doing what is more fun and more beneficial for the mud, ie RPing (which includes PK), furthering plots, actually developing a character etc... I am not saying this does not happen already, but I think as it stands we spend too much time training and gathering equippment. Training should also be faster IMO since these days it is oh so necessary.

Here is how I think we could make more accessible non rare EQ. For caballed characters there should be a set of cabal eq (one for each subcabal that improves slightly with rank) that costs maybe 50 CP and dresses you from head to toe in decent non rare eq. This enabes you to recover quickly from death to go play flag tag or go find better wares. This eq would also look really great as it would match it's cabal.

For non caballed characters I was thinking there could be a shopkeep in each major city that sells a level 30, 40, and 50 set of eq for maybe 15, 20 and 25 thousand gold respectively. Val Miran could sell a set designed for casters and communers, Rheydin a set for melee combatants, and Miruhvor could carry a set for Rogues.

There has also been talk among the pbase for a merchant type class, well maybe instead there could be a merchant type subcabal in Syndicate and Herald. Herald could have an armorer subcabal where the character learns to craft armor from old wares, the merchant could craft three different grades of armor and open shop in a city during vending hours. At that time the merchant would be no-pk and all gold recieved from sales would go right in to the bank. Once the vendor hours were over the merchant goes back to normal. On the syndicate front the subcabal could be for weapons and jewelry, a kind of arms trader. This merchant would craft three different grades of weapons and also sell magically uimbued jewelry, all non rare and the same shopkeep rules would apply.

All in all what I think needs to stop is people rolling up power combos, joining the power cabal, getting all the uber rares and just reducing the rest of the pbase to rubble. This in return leads to people rolling counter combos to take out so and so, people breaking rp to try and get equipment back from a full loot, and just in general spending all their time trying to reach a point where they rule the pbase by fear. Do we need this many supervillains?

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other MUDs have you pay them $ so that you don't lose rares and are given other priveledges. maybe you could try them out. as for you suggestions, many of them are horrible, e.g. lowering rares.

the premise of your long rant is false, in that you CHOOSE to spend all your time equipping and mastering things. i CHOOSE to do much the same without complaining about it, because that's what i do and how i play. instead of changing the MUD for you, you can always just play somewhere else. meanwhile, everyone else can still play how they want to play right here.

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I enjoy training my characters.

I skimmed your post. I've seen it before. I've seen it more than a few times over the years.

The Reverend agrees with Goldbond. This is what this mud is. This is what makes this mud great. You get out what you put in.

I'm certain Goldbond wasn't presuming to speak for everyone, but I assure you most of us will agree with Goldbond.


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'There is no mandate saying you have to train anything or even gather equipment. There's nothing that says you have to pk. You get out of this game what you put into it. I personally really dislike sinking hours into a char in training and equipment gathering(not that it improves my pk or in fact get any good equip) and when i die it sucks. i'm horrible at anything but a basic reequip. which i can do in my sleep. with both hands tied behind my back. point being. I enjoy training, and i run as often as possible from fights(unless my rp is to stick to it and try to fight. :D). idk where im going with this. um. if you dont want to die, become a better runner. idk.

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When you say 'idk' that many times in a single post, I can't help but think of

More to the point, I'm happy with the way the mud's going. As mentioned earlier, training isn't necessary(well, defenses might be if you don't wanna die in a week) and you can gather a basic set in an hour or so. If you don't have the eq to fight someone, don't. Run away, log off. Spend some downtime gathering junk, ask your cabalmates or friends to grab easy pieces of eq if you're on good terms, etc.

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