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Damn it. In a moment of weakness, I found links on Google to the old forum, read for a while before realizing that there's a new forum, and then came here. To clear things up, here's why Wathok (me) disappeared at the beginning of September: school. I decided to take more courses than normal during this past fall term and was concerned that I would not be able to keep up with my assignments/exams. Having failed the first year of university because of FL (I swear this is true), I knew that this game might be very detrimental to my real life. So to stay on the safe side I left.

But damn it, it's an addicting game and I couldn't help myself. One little holiday and I get this crazy idea to see how FL is doing these days. Hell, maybe I'll roll a character. What's a good roll for an faerie thief again?

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