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Equipment 1.0 vs. 3.0


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I am looking at the PK Logs and most from 1.0 I noticed they do not wear the equipment that the "elites" wear now. I saw quite a few with mithril girths, titanium bracers etc..

The question is, are today's players better equipped, or just know so much more than they used to , it is easier to equip with really high end things?

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we had more people in 1.0 I believe, and more of them didnt know where these items were.

Since the majority of the player base dressed in what we would deem as mediocre eq now you could be less moderatly dressed to perform well in pvp against the majority of opponents. Hell if we picked up all of a sudden 20 new players..you could romp in mithril and titanium bracers.

or..I could be talking out my @$$ :cool:;)

I sucked back then..hehe...hell I remember someone leading me to the standing fortress to get the strongarm armlets and me asking them how we ot there and they told me they couldnt tell me.. haha. :)

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We definetly have better eq now then we did back then. Back then hit/dam in the 30's were excellent, -200 AC was grand, and the world was smaller so you can ran into fights quicker. If you id current "good" eq and comparing them to the few 1.0 remnants around you will see a huge difference. Maybe..this should be looked into?

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Don't forget people did not bother to train back then.

People ran around with unmastered defences and inproved hand to hand in combat when disarmed.

This is also in my biased opinion why some where so elite at PK. Training and Knowledge. Now the field is a lot more leveled, so you only get those brutal massacres on the young ones, or if you a Elite in Godgear.

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The equipment sub-winter was vastly weakened with the transition to 2.0, and save versus spell was more or less done away with. You didn't need the uber equipment because you could get -60 save versus spell without going to Winter. There was a specific post from Virigoth where he said he was making this change.

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I actually really miss the old training system, but I guess I'm the only one. I liked not knowing when I was going to improve at something, and I had a nice little "ding!" to accompany it. Now when I'm training I constantly spam "prof self xxx" and it's not as much fun for me.

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I actually really miss the old training system' date=' but I guess I'm the only one. I liked not knowing when I was going to improve at something, and I had a nice little "ding!" to accompany it. Now when I'm training I constantly spam "prof self xxx" and it's not as much fun for me.[/quote']

I loved to train weapons, see nothing happen for 20 rounds, then in one round it goes up twice...

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Training was a bear in 1.0, at least for me. I was too stupid to figure it out. But it was mandatory. I remember when Warmasters had "master two weapons and two defenses" or something similar to that as it's entry requirements. Then when xp for spells and skill/spell improvements came in, people were flying up the ranks. And a lot of demon/vamp wannabe's got screwed because they'd train at 30 and end up getting better too many times and end up at level 31.

You can thank me for suggesting to Viri the autoexp ability. Well, me and about 100 pissed off discord/death players. Heh.

Hrm, was it discord back then, or just chaos? Can't recall.


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