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My Brothers and Sisters of AABAHRAN!!!

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The Reverend welcomes you on this fine day in which he is sleep deprived and tired. But the Reverend is still awake, the Reverend needs a renewal of FAITH! CAN YOU GIVE ME A LITTLE FAITH, AABAHRAN! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! CAN I HAVE A LITTLE FAITH?!?!

The Reverend also welcomes any newcomers, any newbs if you will. He commends you for coming. The Forsaken Lands are not a place for the faint of heart, they are not a place for those who want to walk through fields of bunnies and chat over tea with the local healer. You may do those things, but you better keep your guard up. Never know when the one they call Malchaeius might show up AND KNOCK OVER THAT TEA TABLE! HE WILL KNOCK IT OVER AND SPIT IN THE TEAPOT! HE WILL STOMP ON YOUR COOKIES MY FRIENDS!

The Reverend also wishes any newb to know that we are here for you. This spiritual journey need not be taken alone! NO! You are never alone! It says here, right here in the Aabahranian Bible, and I quote from the Book of Behrens, verses 3:23-37, and it says: "BEHOLD! I create for thee a forums, in which to bolster ones spirit! Come forth and create they brotherhood, create thy sisterhood, and be as one! Walk in the garden of technology, examine thy foot steps year after year. For each year, you shall find your steps growing. To some, you may appear giant. To some, you shall appear halfling. But remember, you are human. And to be human is to err. But remember, you are a brother, you are a sister, and this is my community. You shall be there for one another."

And so it was that the forums are and this spirit must be continued. Again, I turn to our sacred bible, and I read to you from the Book of Virigoth, verses 1:1-8, and it says: "BEHOLD! I have created for thee a battlefield, a home, and a playfield of the mind. Here you shall interact beyond what the community is for, here you shall test yourself, and it is here you shall find true comraderie. Share what you can here, for here is the soul, the life blood. Be evil, be good, be nuetral, but ALWAYS be vigilant, ALWAYS be immersed. ALWAYS stay TRUE to what you are here. Above all else, be true to what you were in the community. REMEMBER WHERE YOU CAME FROM! Like what I have created, you came from nothing more than an interesting idea."

Yes, my brothers and sisters, we all came from that strife time of newbieness. But today, we stand here, we have grown. Let us reach out and help those who need our help, though they are angry and confused, blinded by what they seek, what they reach for, what they can smell....but can't quite touch.

To this, the Reverend says, "Amen."

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