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Parents have agreed to allow me to use their laptop in the interim until I get a new one, just as well seeing as it's my mother's fault mine is in pieces.

What's the current state of the playerbase? Any dominating cabals and aligns?


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Evils at 50 are dominant. Just about ever single caballed fifty I've seen is totally decked. Nexus and Warmaster are the cabals I see most often on(and most of them are well-equipped) but Dzrilx and Korropant are on a good deal.

There are quite a few 40s goods, but I don't know about the relative power level on them. My vote goes for either an ogre warrior or avian/elf bmg.

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Cabal statistics:

Knight 10 / 10

Nexus 9 / 10

WM 8 / 10

Savant 6 / 10

Tribunal 6 / 10

Syndicate 6 / 10

Watcher 2 / 10

Herald 4 / 10

Keep in mind 1 = cabal Imm. So there's only a single Watcher now. My vote goes to roll a Watcher.

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Cabal statistics:

Knight 10 / 10

Nexus 9 / 10

WM 8 / 10

Savant 6 / 10

Tribunal 6 / 10

Syndicate 6 / 10

Watcher 2 / 10

Herald 4 / 10

Keep in mind 1 = cabal Imm. So there's only a single Watcher now. My vote goes to roll a Watcher.

Figures you post these the day after my char wastes 30k joining Hope... *mutters*

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To bad said Knights are spread around the clock' date=' and Timing is Everything Pali!!![/quote']

This is very true... I tend to play at odd hours, different times on different days, and I've rarely seen more than one or two Knights at a time... yet yesterday I saw four Nexians at once.

Where the increased numbers should still help at least is in army combat... however, as another mentioned, the Nexians seem to be around a lot longer and more regularly too (also, they aren't still Inductees/Members, whereas a number of the Knights still are). They've still got a pretty solid upper hand.

I'll see what I can do... just give me a couple weeks. ;)

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Just because Knight is full now doesn't mean it will be by the time you get to fifty.

Also true, which is another reason why I'm certainly continuing the character... don't worry, I'm not going to join the dark side. ;)

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