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Happy Birthday Aabahran


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While I do not know the exact day, 8 years ago in June, this wonderful world that we now call Aabahran opened to the public. Some of us have been around from the start. Others of us have only recently joined the addiction. However, in some way shape or form, we have all enjoyed this wonderful escape from reality.

Therefore, I declare the midway point of this month, that is the 15th of June, to officially represent the anniversary of the Forsaken Lands. Join with me in tipping our collective hats to previous administrations, players, and the sum of our great memories. Here's to you FL.

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Thanks to the history of the game. Thanks to the staff, both previous and current. And thanks to all the players throughout the years... except for warpnow.

This place was with me through the hardest part of my life to date. All six years of it. Hopefully it will have it's stay in my life for the next six.


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Props to you, player of FL. Be you new, old, IMM, mortal, evil, good, neutral, or generally indifferent. Props for using the creative power of your mind to create a place I consider a pretty darn interesting alternative to shooting people in the face Counter-Strike style. Props to the IMMs even more so for being the hand that spins the wheel from the shadows. Shine on you crazy diamonds...(Beatles + Beers = strange posts)

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Here's to FL being everything someone could want in a gaming experience! And personally, for filling my gaming life with a huge amount of mind-numbingly fantastic experiences for five years. Thanks to the imms for keeping such a great game alive. =D

I <3 U FL.


FL 4 lyfe.:P

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Happy Birthday FL, and thanks to the staff and the players for making this place the best. Still gutted I can't get stuck into some playing, and I don't even know how long I've been playing here, but I have never been as addicted to something as much as I have this.

Now, not sure how it is over the pond.. but in the UK, it's customary to give the birthday boy/girl their 'birthday beatings' - one for each year. I feel it's only fair we get to take Malchaeius, the current head honcho and 'FL representative' to the Central Commons, and give him a good kicking. Eight times. :D


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