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Bye for the time being


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Unforeseen circumstances have meant I have been unable to log in to play for a couple of weeks now, and I don't know how much longer it's going to be before I can play again. I'm going to throw the towel in with this character now; when I do eventually come back I'd rather just roll something new and fresh, it's too hard for me to get back into characters that I've left.

I had more fun with this character that I have had with all of my previous characters put together so I suppose you could say that means this has been a success. I had a ridiculous amount of fights that ended to stalemate; I found it hard to get the killing blow, but on the other side of things there were only one or two times were someone managed to get me. Apart from a couple of characters who always laid it on thick, who will remain nameless (you know who you are.. :P).

A shame I couldn't RP with people more really. Props to all I interacted with regularly, both RP and PK, and apologies to Raargant for ending up as just another of those Caballers who became inactive after being given the chance.


EDIT: Post-posting realised I should have put this in the anonymous posting forum, but I can't edit the post title.

Thanks to the Imm that did change the post title, though, the posting of the character was intentional, it was just the fact that I'd done it non-anon that I regretted. :o

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