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Think Chayesh nailed it on the head, I was pretty sure it was one of my paladins, and I mounted charged a warrior or blademaster, they countered my charge, and then I countered thier counter. Least I'm pretty sure thats what happened. I don't have it logged, who knows maybe I was pretty messed up at the time and just thought that was what happened...but I'm fairly sure it happened for real.

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Way it's always seemed to happen with me.

Situation 1: You are not in combat of any kind. Bob attacks you, you counter.

Situation 2: You are in a fight. Bob attacks you, you don't counter.

Situation 3: You are in a fight, Bob jumps in. You kill your target. This drops you out of combat. You then counter Bob's next attack, because you were out of combat.

Situation 4: You predict dirt. Whether you're in a fight or not, if Bob dirts you, you counter.

Once the initial counter goes off, you're in a fight. If he's countering you, it's your initial attack, meaning you're already in the fight, meaning you shouldn't be able to counter his counter. As for predicts being tossed back and forth, I'm fairly certain that all blademaster abilities that can be predicted also stop you from predicting if you do them. I never had an onslaught predicted back at me. I have, however, seen ripostes and horse-stance attacks be tossed back and forth like candy.

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