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Boneheaded moves


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I just made an absolutely stupid move while playing earlier today, and it got me to thinking what other "stupid" or "boneheaded" moves you people out there have made.

I was training a character, in a spot I believe is extremely safe. I needed to go do a few things around the house, so I wanted to log off. Well, after I decided that, someone came into my bedroom and started talking to me. Needless to say, I became distracted, and instead of entering 'quit' into the mud, I hit Alt + F4. :eek:

It was not until several minutes later that I realized this, logged back on, and found my character quickly on his way to death from hunger/thirst. Luckily I caught it in time to save myself. :o

So that's my most recent story, what sorts of things have you done?

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hahahahah, we all have done it I am sure. I have. At least when you did it, you caught it in time. I did it once and went to lg back in a couple days later and found that I was at my pit and naked and nothing was in the pit. Needless to say I went on a rant and rave when someone asked me if I had entered quit and I said **** and yeah... bad day....

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I was training sneak on a character with triggers, laying on my bed just "overseeing" the whole process. I would randomly get up and make him eat/drink. Regardless, I fell asleep because I decided to "rest my eyes."

Woke up having died like 20 or so times. Raarg (I believe it was him) transferred me to the "Deep ****" room so I would stop dying. There were posts on the forum and everything with people saying, "Whats going on with " lol.

It was embarassing to say the least.

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When I roll up a new char I OFTEN get caught not thinking and meandering through the forsaken lands, because when you have a pinn you don't really care and don't have to worry, then crap your pants when you accidentally do it with a lowbie.

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When I roll up a new char I OFTEN get caught not thinking and meandering through the forsaken lands' date=' because when you have a pinn you don't really care and don't have to worry, then crap your pants when you accidentally do it with a lowbie.[/quote']

I have that safe path memorized through there, yet I still always stop at the first room, check the exits to make sure I know the right way, and go on.

I can't count the number times I've died as a lowbie by going the wrong way through there ... and you can't go get your corpse back, either!

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I also once developed a very intriguing rp while in a conversation with a Herald. None of it was planned out - it was all on the spot. The whole RP idea was great...very intriguing. Only problem was that I was drunk during the whole thing. The next day I could only remember certain parts, and I almost guarantee that when I RP'd with that character again, I changed things around because I simply couldn't remember :D

Now I log all my conversations.

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-Fighting a Battlemage with a Paladin, getting hit with a Sear, and going Blind.

Then running around like a headless chicken waiting for it to pass.

Only after death and alone in my pit did i remenbered that i could just Com 'cure blind...

-Training a Battlemage, getting first one of those Santuary wands, then going to a very far and hidy place. Deep into the training i get hungry, and decide to have a snack and end up watching some cartoons. When i return i was at Mir Pit. WTH, so i proced to go west back to my corpse.

Wrong turn in the Desert and im back on the Pit again....

Only when i scrolled up did i notice that mob that guard the Wand killing me.

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Bonehead Move #1

I accepted a character from my roommate at the time. A Knight Elder Ogre Warrior. I played said character and received the rank of Leader.

Bonehead Move #2

I gave away said Knight Leader Ogre Warrior...........

I've been trying to rise above that reputation every since....

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Killed someone in the entrance to the Arena, then tried to sac his stuff but I ended up dropping my own sack and saccing it and all of its contents before he came back and got his stuff.

With two different characters attacking groups of lower ranked characters and getting killed through carelessness.

Attacking a vampire over and over again with poor equipment trying to make a point.

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I still maintain that I have the trump card of all stupidity in FL.

My first crusader, Karius, absolutely sucked. I got outmeleed by a thief once - and for anyone who's ever fought against a crusader, you know that they're probably as defensive (if not moreso) than a warrior. So I get to the point where I've got about 5 lives left. Azantar takes three of them (he was just Azantar at the time, not uber Nexus leader bastard Azantar), and Cariousus takes one. Now, this is the one time that I will ever call out Despiser for going OOC. But I was talking to him on AIM and told him that Karius was on his last life. So Cariousus contacts me and says I can sense that your next death will rid this world of you, or something like that. And then we have a challenge. So I had **** for weapons and everything, so Cariousus gives me a Fire Lance. I do some Crusader stuff, and then attack the bastard. I somehow manage to kill him, with two IMMs watching me. I full loot (and sacrifice everything I can't carry), and start switching out some of my crap eq for his l33t eq. And then I put on a piece of equipment that causes poison - and it can't be removed or uncursed. So what happens? I kill the guy who's wrecking the pbase, full loot his ***, and then BAM. Condie to a piece of his equipment.

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I still maintain that I have the trump card of all stupidity in FL.

My first crusader, Karius, absolutely sucked. I got outmeleed by a thief once - and for anyone who's ever fought against a crusader, you know that they're probably as defensive (if not moreso) than a warrior. So I get to the point where I've got about 5 lives left. Azantar takes three of them (he was just Azantar at the time, not uber Nexus leader bastard Azantar), and Cariousus takes one. Now, this is the one time that I will ever call out Despiser for going OOC. But I was talking to him on AIM and told him that Karius was on his last life. So Cariousus contacts me and says I can sense that your next death will rid this world of you, or something like that. And then we have a challenge. So I had **** for weapons and everything, so Cariousus gives me a Fire Lance. I do some Crusader stuff, and then attack the bastard. I somehow manage to kill him, with two IMMs watching me. I full loot (and sacrifice everything I can't carry), and start switching out some of my crap eq for his l33t eq. And then I put on a piece of equipment that causes poison - and it can't be removed or uncursed. So what happens? I kill the guy who's wrecking the pbase, full loot his ***, and then BAM. Condie to a piece of his equipment.

Rofl. That's awesome.

EDIT: Sirican condied because of hunger. I was RPing and RPing as a Vampire that didn't have the will to live. I got the will... Then I died because I couldn't get to "eat" soon enough. That hunger damage gets pretty intense, didn't realize I was so close to dying.

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I still maintain that I have the trump card of all stupidity in FL.

My first crusader, Karius, absolutely sucked. I got outmeleed by a thief once - and for anyone who's ever fought against a crusader, you know that they're probably as defensive (if not moreso) than a warrior. So I get to the point where I've got about 5 lives left. Azantar takes three of them (he was just Azantar at the time, not uber Nexus leader bastard Azantar), and Cariousus takes one. Now, this is the one time that I will ever call out Despiser for going OOC. But I was talking to him on AIM and told him that Karius was on his last life. So Cariousus contacts me and says I can sense that your next death will rid this world of you, or something like that. And then we have a challenge. So I had **** for weapons and everything, so Cariousus gives me a Fire Lance. I do some Crusader stuff, and then attack the bastard. I somehow manage to kill him, with two IMMs watching me. I full loot (and sacrifice everything I can't carry), and start switching out some of my crap eq for his l33t eq. And then I put on a piece of equipment that causes poison - and it can't be removed or uncursed. So what happens? I kill the guy who's wrecking the pbase, full loot his ***, and then BAM. Condie to a piece of his equipment.

You do have the trump card of all stupidity, but this isn't it. Something you did before this is your trump card. Can you guess it? You mentioned it before on the forums.

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Wow... you've actually got me quite stumped... unless it was on that same character' date=' in which case I may be able to guess.[/quote']

I know what you are thinking of, and yes, that was incredibly stupid as well, but no, that isn't it. It involves a different character. An earlier character. A certain Knight healer...

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I know what you are thinking of' date=' and yes, that was incredibly stupid as well, but no, that isn't it. It involves a different character. An earlier character. A certain Knight healer...[/quote']

Pfft. I don't think going OOC constitutes as big of an act of dumbassery as condying to an item.

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Pfft. I don't think going OOC constitutes as big of an act of dumbassery as condying to an item.

Going OOC? Maybe not.

Getting raided by the Syndicate, running on the forum, requesting Knights to 'quick, log on' in order to stop a Syndicate raid in a public post, and sending forum PM's to the Syndicate players in question to please stop the raid?

Biggest boneheadery.

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When I was Roykagh and was getting to grips with Imm commands, I wondered what happened if I used command 'X'. I can't remember the specifics, but every single player in the MUD got transported to me at the same time, leaving people completely dumbfounded, and it took me a little while to work out how to send them back. I did some crappy emotes to try and make it look like some intentional RP but it didn't quite work. :D

I've probably done stuff plenty more stupid but off of the top of my head, I can't think...


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