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Mahn-tor Raid of Elf City


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The thing I find funny about this, is.. in actual truth if you dropped every mob in mahntor in the same room as Archmage Tuo, and he threw a fireball down and had them all attack him he would pawn everything including the mobs in mahntor dungeon I bet.

In one of the notes it was like, Amyrok locks blades which Archmage Tuo.

Amyrok gets owned by level 30 guys, archmage owns me level 50 guys.

I know its all Rp I just wanted to speak my mind and throw out a little giggle.

thanks for reading my pointless thread.

AL 2 da g 2 da mud

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I didnt want to say anything but.... they took performance enhancing drugs... i mean come on...think about it... everytime you walk into that keep they were always roid raging... and i think Nasturn's head has shrunk over the years. Its sad really... for the longest time i thought Amyrok was a chick...until i realized that those were just steroid induced man-boobs...


Iconz - I propose a full congressional investigation into the Minotaurs...

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I thought we figured out long ago that celerity was a dude?

Also... A girl playing all those brutish male warriors only gives me the mental image of some butch lesbian...

So those pictures are obviously a fake, something looking like that would play elves and faeries.


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Not quite sure what the girls YOU know look like but....

EDIT: Stop hanging out with Celerity!

Have you ever seen the pictures of Celerity? She's one fine-looking gal.

You've definitely never seen Celerity's pictures. They'd leave no doubt. ;)

Wow, this has got to be one of the worst thread derailments I have seen yet.

Minotaurs to Celerity's gender....

Yeah really I thought Celerity was a fire giant.



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Yeah I know really. We played Streetfighter before, and no matter what character I chose she selected Chun Li and absolutely tooled me over.

I think I got her once with one character, maybe M Bison. And it was pure luck. I might not even have beat her, I might just be thinking I did...


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