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PLEASE READ: Major Proposal - The Two Tiered PK System


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I disagree with the two-tiered pk.

I disagree with the two-tiered pk system that pretty much is in effect with the cabals. I am fairly new at Fl and I believe the hardest problem new people have is lay of the land. When you start getting in those higher ranks they just can't run through certain areas that they aren't yet used to and Vets know like the back of there hand, even if A newb stood a chance with a certain character they arent near as fast when they are taken out of their element. I believe we should just raise the adventurer class for new people and guests to thirty-five that way they can see that much more of the land and more time as well put into rp-ing and into their character. If you pass the thirtieth rank as an adventurer you would be stripped naked upon joining a guild as so not to be used for equipment purposes, those five ranks would be for adventuring only.

Another idea is I was ready to give up playing last year, I just got tired of being steamed rolled by the Vets on a daily until Halloween Bash when armor and weapons fell from the sky and everyone was in town. How much better could that get. It was also a chance to sort of actually meet the players and immortals that you see all year long. I believe we should have a special event a few times a year as a sort of advertising. I think it will work both ways, Newbs will get better at fighting and Vets can get ALOT of the senseless pking out their system. That way there will still probably be the same amount of pks but it will be better rp

Speaking on behalf of the Newbs after getting steamrolled back to back for a few months it really is awesome when equipment falls out of a hole in the sky.

Halloween Party was hit I believe everyone was on Way to Go Malcheius!!!!

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