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Wish me luck guys


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Hey guys, sorry do disappoint but I am leaving the day after tomorrow to start my basic training at fort knox in kentucky, then I do my ait in fort lee virginia, but in total I'll be gone five and a half months. So see you all then.

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Knox!?!? Viriginia!?!? What's your MOS? I don't think you're gonna need luck. Those places sound like candyland.

Just busting your hump. Good luck. Here's everything you need to know:

Never volunteer first.

Never volunteer last.

Be at the right place at the right time in the right uniform.

Don't speak.

Don't touch the smokie.

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Knox!?!? Viriginia!?!? What's your MOS? I don't think you're gonna need luck. Those places sound like candyland.

Just busting your hump. Good luck. Here's everything you need to know:

Never volunteer first.

Never volunteer last.

Be at the right place at the right time in the right uniform.

Don't speak.

Don't touch the smokie.

Yeah Fort lee is a walk in the park, but Knox is suppose to be one of the two most intense basics for the army. But I'm not worried about it, kinda anticipating getting the entire thing done. I leave tomorrow morning at 11am

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