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Taliv the Knight of Fury


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Just deleted Taliv - here are my thoughts:

An ogre zerk was good to play - different in places to the other zerks I"ve played.

I enjoyed the RP of Taliv - he was a loan shark - even though it was hard to get players to take loans as everyone seems to have a lot of gold. Its a RP that I"d have liked to take a lot further but such is life.

The berserker class is still quite challenging - more so this time as I took path of Anger to focus on haymaker which I believe is the large advantage of berserkers. Haymaker seemed less reliable than my previous stone zerk which I was surprised was the case. I also found more than a few 'misses' when raged at 60/60 or 70/70 hit dam which was surprising (some of these can be seen in the logs of the Ogre Zerk on PK logs. Note that in all those battles my hit/dam when raged exceeded 60/60 and sometimes 70/70).

I learnt a lot more about the berserker class - esp played aggressively as opposed to more passively. While rage is good to get around not having some equipment its just not possible to compete against the stronger eq'd character without equipment even as a raged zerk.

I did also find against stronger characters I needed rage to get on an even footing instead of as a bonus. This alone makes it hard to play a zerk as you're using a skil which commits you to a battle just to try to break even.

Thanks to everyone I interacted with - especially the Syndicate cabal. Was good fun.



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Why'd you delete him?

Good character. Was cool, seemed you kinda disappeared after you got caballed. *shrug*

You seem to play in the polar opposite time zone to me - I only saw you when I was on during weekends etc. Which was good for me as I Taliv did a whole lot of things your character wouldn't ahve liked when you weren't around :cool:

Deleted because the character ceased to be as much fun as it started as.


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