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Hey Kyzarius...


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That's completely sick. Nice work. For some reason, my mind's version of demons is from a game I got when I was very young, Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I always see them as huge horned red guys, pretty much like a balrog from LoTR. Not sure how accurate that is as a demon, but I love your drawing. Again, nice work.

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I tried to pull everything right out of the Desc'. It was kind of weird. I probably could have added some "mass" with hovering objects or more wears dangling off of him.

I also agree with Twinblades... Demons always had a horned critter appearance in my head.

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Demons have different forms depending on their hosts and/or the souls that infest the body. There are some that look for all intents and purposes human, save for oddities in skin color, eye color, and/or wings. The purebred demons - that is the ones that were born demons - tend to have horns, claws, and the like.

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thats awesome.

here is the desc for everyone..

An eyeless figure hovers before you. Shrouded in heavy dark robes this visage hovers a good foot above the ground at all times. Its' legs hang limply as it drifts as if carried on strings. The black heavy robes are set with random pieces of metal that lend a metallic glimmer to the otherwise simple yet thick attire. A heavy hood pulled low over a scarred and furrowed brow stops just above the two empty sockets where once this beings eyes might have been. As you examine the eyeless visage, you find that the creatures eye sockets are mysteriously bottomless. A black void peering back at you, never blinking, never wavering. His mouth is sewn shut, the lips locked forever in a stiff emotionless tight lipped grimace. The threads haphazardly pierce the skin above and below the dried cracked lips, weaving the jaw shut. His face is stark white, bleached almost in color, as well as his hands and the tops of his limply hanging feet. His arms remain crossed at his chest, the sleeves of his robes pulled back to show heavily scarred bone white forearms and hands clasped one palm up the other palm down in front of him. Despite this spectres relativly subdued appearance a sense of awareness spills from him. An echoing of whispers surrounds him at all times, like a gentle tide this choir of voices at times is overwhelming but at others fades to be a barely perceptable buzzing in your mind.

those that thought he had horns, or looked like a doomguard or what not didnt really read the desc :P

Korropant appearance was what the demon left of verch as the man broke from madness.

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those that thought he had horns, or looked like a doomguard or what not didnt really read the desc :P

As for me, I said I automatically see that. I read your desc, and it was pretty pimp, but I still always see a big red guy with horns. I see that for purikant, masokant, and wymsicant too. Hehe. Oh well, it doesn't bother me. Still though, I LOVE this drawing.

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