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It is time I officially retire Islildien. This was without a doubt my favorite character and have been toying with the idea of bringing him back. But his time is outlived and his purpose was served. I would like to thank all the characters I fought and grouped with, especially that fearie psi who kicked my *** and in effect ending my reign (can't remember your name :\).

I still haven't figured out my next project but I do have a few idea's lined. To all those who knew Islildien when he was in full swing, I hope we meet again, in a different life.

P.S. I didn't paste his stats for obvious reasons.

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I remember that little squid! Even had the righteous title. ;) I apologize for his sudden disappearance. RL stuff happens that simply must come first. How did he turn out anyway? I have been extremely curious.

If he still exists however, don't tell me. Maybe I'll find out

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Nice character, I didn't know you were him didn't even expect it to be honest. You were a strong opponent, way stronger than anyone I'd fought. Wyslign was the faerie Psi though, he was pretty beastly too, just glad he was on my side at the time. Good luck on the next one though.

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