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So apparently I got very bored a long time ago and wrote down all the characters I could think of at the time. Any of these yours?

Warrior - Thraeik, Thanatose, Congher, Deravgner, Dewei, Ug, Thriad

Ranger - Vadrek, Alaniah, Ghriz

Monk - Selandor, Tylith, Ichiiro

Paladin - Albon, Silandriel, Endelesten

Berserker - Rogithark, Gylrad, Grakk, Paroxicant, Gundersharm

Blademaster - Cadelin, Sarion, Chrinchton

Dark-Knight - Itzlacotl, Zakhrael, Malibidon, Narnokles

Invoker - Infornalicus, Shiroi, Iybuk, Kaplan, Shinae

Necromancer - Auniira, Promadon, Onileon, Azun, Spripee

Healer - Eluana, Isendir, Athraeil, Saisha, Genavene, Balomir

Cleric Good/Evil - Malforak, Bardoin, Osiburn, Kendifax, Ugresh, Erys, Sdaltha, Katynmaru

Shaman - Lryth, Shendamarin, Akanta, Covus, Olom

Battlemage - Bartodk, Sinavestos, Kyiska, Poplin, Elloran, Deridunbel, Lyrise

Ninja - Vanicus, Madrion, Trunsks, Rezian, Raelian

Thief - Aliander, Azantar, Cailo, Dareg, Ciordeles, Goomf

Bard - Irpel, Sereniel, Minuendo, Merriwren

Druid - Telufial, Lastanic, Lyatte, Aulian, Tenance, Lafesdus

Psi - Zelvhaeth, Topplenoff

Vampire - Cariousus, Messalantha

Crusader - Leomyre, Karius, Caoliac, Lidian

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