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Varicose Vein Disease Strikes Again!


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Well, folks, this is probably good-bye again for a while. Seems like I wasn't even back here that long.

Did finally get a pinnacle in the comfort of my own home, though. Not at my parents house, not at a friends house....my house. And it felt good.

I'm quite proud of my current pinn and had some grand plans, but, I can barely stand to sit at the computer desk. I can barely stand to stand. But I have to go to work tonight and find some way to tough it.

My right leg was stripped of some nasty varicose veins when I was 21. Instead of listening to my doctors and stop smoking, I continued to smoke and accelerated the rate at which they return.

I quit smoking four days ago, but far too late. I've seen far worse than mine, but mine do come with all the nasty burning and stabbing sensations and will enlarge over time. Thankfully I know about the compression stockings. They help, somewhat.

I'm off to the store to buy some aspirin, which will hopefully keep any clotting away until I can get in contact with the Decatur Vein Clinic. I can get injections now and go back to work the same day, but, I have no health insurance, unlike the first time I was there for my left leg. I haven't been able to afford it and I don't want to hear about "Well, you can't afford to not have it" because that's hogwash. I'd pay more in three years of co-pays and payments to the insurance company than I would on out of pocket medical bills in those three years.

Anywho, what I'm getting at is, I might have to disconnect my cable and internet to help pay for my injections. Which really sucks. I'm going to try and find some form of alternatives, but I don't think there's anything left for me to cut back on besides the fact I'll now save $50 a month by not smoking.

So, whatever I decide by Monday, I'll let you know.

Peace, Aabahran.

EDIT: And if you want motivation to quit smoking, get married and have a kid. I'm doing it cold turkey and not looking back.

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Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosing medication.

I don't know what these "arginine" things are, but I'm sure it's not the amino based medication they inject me with. Even though I'm back on my feet in a few days, I have to continue leg massages and watch out for clotting, etc....just as if I'd had a surgery, minus anything that comes along with hospitilization and anasthesia.

I might give you a shout when I need those horse chestnut/broomsweep/whatever funny herbs in a pill that strengthen the veins are.

EDIT: Imagine the things Wikipedia turns up. However, I'm not sure if this is what they use. And I'm sure they won't let me bring my own.

Arginine plays an important role in cell division, the healing of wounds, removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones. Arginine, taken in combination with proanthocyanidins[4] or yohimbine[5], has also been used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.

The benefits and functions attributed to oral ingestion of L-arginine include:

* Precursor for the synthesis of Nitric Oxide (NO)

* Stimulation of the release of the most important anti-aging hormone in the body, growth hormone.

* Improves immune function

* Reduces healing time of injuries (particularly bone)

* Reduces risk of heart disease

* Increases muscle mass

* Reduces adipose tissue body fat

* Helps improve insulin sensitivity

* Helps decrease blood pressure

* Alleviates male infertility, improving sperm production and motility

* Increases circulation throughout the body, including the sex organs

I think I've used this as a homeopathic remedy once when I had bone contusions on my kneecap.

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arginine is an amino acid. it is also a vasodialoter. the akg version is what is used to treat most leg vein problems including vericose veins. opens the veins and reduces swelling. similar to viagra if you get the good stuff.

yeah, I know my stuff.

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arginine is an amino acid. it is also a vasodialoter. the akg version is what is used to treat most leg vein problems including vericose veins. opens the veins and reduces swelling. similar to viagra if you get the good stuff.

yeah, I know my stuff.

Nah, what the DVC uses kills the veins and forces the blood flow elsewhere. Since the varicosities are superficial, new veins will grow later. The body absorbs the dead veins over a few months to a one year period.

Yes, you do know your stuff. Just not mine. :P

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coq-10 mixed with quercitin and a topical steroid does the same thing as the shots. direct blood away fro. the veins and allows new veins to be formed. however, most treatments fail due to a lack of exercise and a fatty diet which raises blood pressure.

my advice dealing with this quite a lot is save money for surgery or tough it out. if surgery is not an option go for supplements, they work better than most people think. and yes, I was a critic before I tried some of this stuff and saw what it can do when you take the right stuff.


half of my sales are doctor offices and pharmicies using supplements as perscriptions. Aginine is one of the biggest sellers.

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my advice dealing with this quite a lot is save money for surgery or tough it out.

I don't think you understand varicose veins (the possibility of their severity) and that's okay, especially the kind I have where if you have 1 in 5 symptoms (I have 3 in 5) you're supposed to see a doctor. I've been to the doctor for each leg. I had one stripped (surgery) and the other I went to DVC. DVC worked as well (better in my opinion) than the surgery. I've had six surgeries in my life. My greatest fear is being paralyzed on the operating table and fully aware of what's happening to me, including the pain, but not being able to communicate that.

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V... that sucks man.. if its any comfort ill be prayin for you brother. The upside to this is at least youre quitting now before the cancer sticks claim your lungs and throat... Im pulln for you.


Iconz - My greatest fear is drowning...

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goal was to say that I have had a lot of customers (with the benefit of health insurance) say that the surgery was far better in the long run than the shots or creams. everyone is different. but if you want to try the natural remedy let me know, I got the horse chestnut and arganine waiting for ya

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