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Dzrilx Zennix the Cloud of Malady


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| Dzrilx || Augur of MYSTERUM |


| Str: 18(18)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 479(360h) |

| Int: 24(24) || Class: shaman Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : Cloud(drow) Align: evil |

| Dex: 24(24)^4 || Hp : 746/746 Exp : 36368/555632 |

| Con: 10(08) || Mana : 1153/1174 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 432/438 +Hit: 5 +Dam: 8 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Valganti |

| Slash : -360 || Spell : -17 || Faith : Mystic |

| Pierce: -356 || Afflictive : -74 || Weight: 258/325 |

| Blunt : -344 || Maledictive: -18 || Items : 30/41 |

| Magic : -381 || Mental : -31 || Prac : 5 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 3010 CP: 2.1k |


/ Condition: You are covered with deep scars and lacerations. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| [sAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |


This was my best suit that I found worked for most purposes. Going for AC I had about -500 ac, but no saves so I worked up some saves gear and it was nice. Here was my eq list.

Dzrilx is using:

(Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) a Cube of Force

(Glowing) (Humming) the Crustacean Ring

(Glowing) (Humming) the Crustacean Ring

(Glowing) (Humming) a dark moonstone pendant

(Glowing) (Humming) a dark moonstone pendant

(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a helm of spell-turning

(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a silver hoop earring adorned with a heartgear

(Humming) a runed white robe

(Glowing) bracers of defense

(Glowing) a pair of runed-black gauntlets adorned with a bear's tooth

Tiamat's Skin

(Glowing) boots of protection

(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a Crested Shield of Eternal Darkness

(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a major globe of invulnerability

(Invis) (Humming) a belt of faerie magic

(Glowing) (Humming) a Bracelet of Eternal Lies

a blue bracer

(Glowing) (Humming) an ember floating in a cloud of snowflakes

(Magical) a golden mask

(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) an animated blue orb


I also had ample time to master many spells.

You have mastered the following:

1. armor

2. bless

3. blindness

4. cure blindness

5. cure critical

6. cure disease

7. cure poison

8. curse

9. detect invis

10. detect magic

11. dispel magic

12. faerie fog

13. giant strength

14. harm

15. identify

16. locate object

17. mass invis

18. plague

19. poison

20. protection

21. sanctuary

22. summon

23. weaken

24. flail

25. mace

26. shield block

27. whip

28. hand to hand

29. parry

30. second attack

31. fast healing

32. meditation

33. recall

34. protective shield

35. trance

36. staff

37. xxx

38. blasphemy

39. enfeeblement

40. mass hysteria

41. insomnia

42. dysentery

43. phantom grasp

44. dark shroud

45. deteriorate

46. ethereal passage

47. hex

48. voodoo

49. visitation

50. xxx

I wrote my goodbye note and FORGOT TO POST IT. I was so dissappointed so here it is. It was originally meant for just Hourglass and Savant, but I want it to be there at least for anyone who wanted to hear my going away reason.

"As many have likely noticed my absence, it is because I have been spending the better part of my years repairing a rift I've found in the Timestream. I've become less useful in the battles with the Warmasters and the teaching of young Savants, though I know if my time is not spent repairing as I have been so oft required to, the Timestream might consume more, as it has the late Valganti. I know each of you will grow, become great as you aspire to new heights. I will be watching from within the essence of the Tower, lending my aid to your spells, prayers, and to the elementals that war for us. I have already begun to weave into the Timestream and my union with the Tower feels tremendous. By the time you receive this note, my elemental will already ahve delivered it and I will be unreachable. The blessings of the magi, and the order upon each of you.

~Dzrilx Zennix, Your Cloud of Malady, Shaman of the Tower."

Too many shoutouts, I need to give MY HUGEST ONE TO VALGANTI! I LOVE YOU MAN. Valganti made me increase my roleplayed at least threefold or more. Gave me my (first and) second Cabal entrance, my first Trsuted, And Elder Spot in a cabal. Taught me a helluvalot about being a shaman, and about being a skilled player. Gave me a hard time in the beginning and I quote after my fight with Arris for my entrance to Savant, "Perhaps you could clean lanterns for the Savants?" He also gave me my first non beginning, rp earned restring, ie "Cloudboy". AND my first Custom weapon: My "Ember Floating amidst snowflakes." This character is the culmination of everything I've learned in FL so far, my longest lived character, most achieved, most pks earned, most deaths, best rp, and most widely known of my characters. This is the character I've gotten to know the playerbase with, the most number ones on the monthly polls and everything.

Other Shoutouts to All other Savants, the ones that taught me and the ones that I taught, I learned something from everyone.

The Warmasters that beat the sh!te out of me on a daily basis, and the ones that were good matches as well. Valadis in particular for being a particularly nasty learning curve for me. I recall a point in time where I was literally the only Savant in existence. It happened. And of course when I leave, Savant is booming and ready to go. Ha. Oh well, many other things are calling and I will be playing FL a bit still but probably not enough for legit caballed life.

I want to thank Zhokril for being a good second Leader to Savant, and helping me out for awhile, thanks for talking with me via pm too. He gave me more chances than I deserved to stay Elder despite my absence.

Too many other shoutouts to give away but everyone here at FL rocks and this character specifically has made sure I will remain with FL for a damn long time.

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