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Harden defense


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This helpfile keeps disappearing - Basically it makes Dark-Knights shield block much more effective against people using a low offense weapon.

It was put in to avoid the fact that giant sized warriors with a staff could you bash DK's to death with pretty much no chance of failure.

So for it to be effective the DK needs to be wielding a shield, and it will only affect shield block versus low offence weapons....

Thats off the top of my head, someone who has played a DK since this came in might be able to give you some more info..Tassinvegata springs to mind.

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Hmmm that seems painful that you need a shield for that spell to work, and its not just a spell that surrounds the dkn.

Against a ranger for example a polearm would be most ideal.

However it helps against most of the others, I guess ill have to find myself a strong one handed spear to malform and then get a decent shield.

Thanks for the help.

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