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Well this sucks... for me


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Well folks it seems I am not meant to play FL.I was just messing around last night and my comp froze.It happens and nothing major just reboot.Well now it will not boot at all.It turns on and gives me the option to boot in safe mode/safe mode command prompt/safe mode with networking and normal boot up but does not complete any of them.I believe that the cpu or the hard drive failed though I am not a completely sure.I am going to tinker with it more tonight but with my luck Id say its shot.It will be awhile before I can fix it.I am going to try my wife's laptop but to be honest its a piece of junk.If anyone has some insight please by all means share.

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Are you getting the new and improved BSOD screen when it boots claiming that one or more files are corrupt?

This usually points directly at a hard drive corruption, sometimes you can fix it by replacing the missing files usin the windows repair utility or doing a full format (not quick FULL) and restore followed by fdisk to correct any bad sectors that might be lurking.

Sometimes when your computer recieves a brown-out/surge or is interruped during an operation that requires writing to the drive you can develop these bad sectors.

If the above doesnt work though, it can be a physical problem with the drive which means you have to buy a new HDD....of course they have gotten so cheap its astounding.

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