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FL Graphic Novel


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K. I've never done a graphic novel before or even a comic book really... but I've taken quite a few classes and read quite a few books about them anyway. I thought I'd take a fling at it and write a story about FL. =D


This is a page draft, just kinda getting the feeling for it. It will all be in black and white (coloring takes a very long time and I can capture a good mood without hue) and very good practice for me.

HOWEVER, if I continue to do this, I'm gonna be way behind on all the character requests people are giving me. So I'm asking you to choose priorities for me: work on the graphic novel more, or work on character concepts more? I'll be doing both (I'm always doing a million things, don't get me wrong), but I can weigh my focus in different directions if I have to.

(EDIT: Hope I'm spelling "Lysenties" right.)

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