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A short parting


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So, I'm heading off to grad school in the UK and will be out for some time...I know better than to say goodbye for good (its been what, 7 years? I don't even remember), but I want to take in everything about my new environment and really get the most out of it; ie no mudding. Thanks for the good times.

Had a blast playing Salith; really enjoyed the RP and the PK. Never got any traction with the new Knight imm after a few months at 50, which just goes to show you that the staff doesn't just hand things out to the vets (and reinforces Malch's point about perceived worthiness of chars). Still, I liked how the character developed...thanks to a particular Warmaster for that.

Uhril's resurgance was also fun..its always a good time to play a total d*ck...I think couping in cabals is under rated and under utilized; that being said, I never succeeded ;) (teleport potions are over utilized).

Finally, a special thanks to the staff (former and current), who do an incredible job and spend countless hours making the world go round. Malch, Eshy, Raar...tip of the hat, really.

Anyhoo, thanks again, and you kids have fun. I'm sure I'll be back.


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