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Hey there,

Letting Orsakin go. No rage delete (haven't taken a pdeath in some time) or anything, simply the character is at the 'end'. I developed Orsakin with a lifespan that would be determined by his roleplay, not necessarily PK (with the 61 lives thing).

| Orsakin || Collector of SYNDICATE |
| Str: 19(19)^4 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 30(294h) |
| Int: 21(21) || Class: blademaster Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 21(21) || Race : avian Align: neutral |
| Dex: 23(23) || Hp : 903/923 Exp : 173044/463356 |
| Con: 14(14) || Mana : 596/703 |
\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 435/435 +Hit: 49 +Dam: 25 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Creator |
| Slash : -308 || Spell : -23 || Faith : Atheism |
| Pierce: -313 || Afflictive : -45 || Weight: 207/350 |
| Blunt : -299 || Maledictive: -23 || Items : 38/40 |
| Magic : -341 || Mental : -35 || Prac : 20 Train: 0 |
| Weapon: norm || Pos: left || Gold : 8509 CP: 931 |
/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \
| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |
| 100 100 119 72 100 110 100 110 100 |
| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |
\-------------------------------------- -------------------------/

dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 100
sword 100 disarm 78 dodge 100
hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 100
fast healing 100 haggle 97 lore 57
meditation 100 recall 100 cabal skill 80
blind fighting 100 counter 100 acupuncture 99
charge 100 dual parry 100 cabal skill 96
anatomy 100 double grip 100 balance 100
cabal skill 97 Special Skill 1 two handed 100
cabal skill 100 doublesheath 81 cabal skill 100
cabal skill 75 cabal skil 75 onslaught 105
chop 100 bladerush 100 backpin 100
pinwheel 100 critical strike 100 bladework 100
footwork 100 battle stance 100 avatar of steel 96
powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100 bladestorm 100
ironarm 100 Kyousanken 100 shadowdancer 100
doomsinger 100 kairishi 100 vigil 76
twin counter 100 predict 100 snakespeed 77
spellkiller 76 deathstrike 86 elf expert 100
giant expert 100 elf master 100 blood vow 100
battlesphere 100 battlefocus 100 battletrance 100

Just to explain (and for those IG that were a little confused by him):

Orsakin lived a standard Rheydin family live, albeit a poor one. On his fifteenth birthday, an anonymous benefactor deposited a large sum of gold into his account, and continued to do so everyday for two weeks. On the fourteenth day he was approached by a man who claimed to be an agent of Orsakin's new employer. In exchange for providing enough gold for his family to live a comfortable life, Orsakin would live in service for his new, still anonymous employer. At first Orsakin turned the 'offer' down, only to find it wasn't an offer, but an order - he would agree to live in his employer's service, or his family would suffer the consequences.

Orsakin was one of few citizens with a registered Doomblade's training licence (which he later finds is the reason why he was approached). He was ordered to use it, and gain his Doomblade's Diploma. Also armed with his Rheydin Academy Disctinction Grade Diploma in Aabahranian Economy and Finance, he was instructed to make ties with the Cartel and begin taking what work they offered to make profit. Profit made was split between Orsakin and his employer. He found great shame in being taken as a 'slave', killing for profit, but knew his employer had him trapped. He possessed an extensive network of spies who kept track of his actions, and he communicated with Orsakin via carrier pigeon and agents, so as to remain anonymous - never the same agent sent twice.

Ultimately, his employer making him join Syndicate was his downfall. Dissatisfied with life after fifteen years of bounty hunting, Orsakin decided to take matters into his hands. Approaching Sigil Daviaus firstly, he asked if he could develop an enchantment to allow him to track his carrier pigeon and locate his employer, an idea given to him by Iraekiira. Daviaus agreed, but Orsakin grew restless and wanted to free himself with great urgency. He spoke with colleague Shenzar, who would help him track his employer, but again, time passed. Now as a higher ranked member of Syndicate, a large consort of spies were there to do his bidding. He took them off of Syndicate duties on the quiet, and had them locate his Employer.

With his name and location confirmed (Mr. Halon of the Slaughterhouse), he and Shojin set off to confront the slaver and end his life. Mr. Halon was killed, his deeds being transferred over to his son, Mr. Halon (thanks for this idea Twinblades. :D). Orsakin was now free to return to his normal life, albeit it forever plagued by his years of murder.

Sorry for the long post, but I sometimes felt like I was being a bit of a **** to certain players IG when Orsakin's RP would dictate he would lie to people in order to protect his own back. I hope I sort of lifted the veil as to why he was how he was.

Enjoyed playing Orsakin a lot, and the blademaster class is FUN. Still plenty of life in the old dog, and I half-wanted to continue playing, but I also wanted to stick with the roleplay. Towards the end it just sort of sprung up on me as I began interacting with people that found out more about Orsakin. New character on the way.


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Fun character - should have played that RP out a bit longer though!

It had been going on for a long time, the ball started rolling as soon as I hit pinnacle and a few characters got interested in helping Orsakin out. As far as I'm concerned, this was the 'perfect' time to conclude the character. :)


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DEY! I really had been looking forward to our characters growth together. From when we first got introduced in the caverns when you came to help me and a thief rank. Then our interesting rp that we had started after I pinned. To our only fight in which you beat me, God I wished I didn't miss that key maneuver. In any case well done! Wish you would have stuck around longer though.;)

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