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Welcome Back Virigoth


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Hi, welcome to the game, Viri.

Here are some helpful hints to make your stay even more fruitful!

Help Tour will give you a great deal of info.

Help Death will let you know how to deal with death, something that is very common here.

Help Alias will save you a lot of grief, and whoever created this ingame alias system was a MENSA member, at the very least. Some noteable ones to help in the begining?

alias svae save

alias asve save

alias evas save

alias waer wear

alias saev save

alias afk murder deykari;laugh;di;dis;bash;bash;laugh;tell deykari you suck;get all corpse;put all backpack;get all corpse;put all backpack;laugh;sleep

Further more, there are newbie quests! Do them and you'll learn a lot of great things about the game, all through RP. (Ignore the spelling errors, we look at them with a nostalgic glean)

If you have any questions, please feel free to post on the Newbie Help Section of the forums, or bring it to the staff on the prayers forum. We players will probably give you a friendly ribbing if you ask a "stupid" question, but the staff will probably be more tactful (although I feel that they will probably talk amongst themselves in a jestful manner on IMMchat)

And please, enjoy your stay. I'm a-guitarist, known around these forums as a-g, and usually ingame as the guy that layed the pwnsauce down upon you. But don't worry, if you put in your time and really use your brain, someday you'll be as good as me.

Welcome to FL, now go RP with someone then PK them!


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I expected him to, I haven't forgotten the one post he left with when he got abducted by EA, he told us all he was coming back just not for awhile right away. I took that as 1/2 years of break. Him returning now is about right. I must say the timing is awesomely funny. Glad to see you back! How is life treating you?

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I posted a very nice post on the prayer forum, get one of the big guys to repost it for general viewing and that should sum me up.

Hopefully you spell proofed that very nice post so that the rest of us can read it :D

Anyhow, would it be possible to get a repost here?

P.S. Hope all is well with you :)

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Thought some of you might like to read this as much as I did.

Love and Mud

So two days ago on Monday after many reoccuring dreams and memories of the good times of ole’ I’ve peeked back on ForsakenLands a MUD I used to run some four years ago back before having a career and all the junk that entitles you to.

It was very heartwarming to see the community I abruptly left behind still flourishing four years later, and see the echos of the creative dreams of that time. Funny enough an old MUD friend of mine Mike Stimson called me on the same day saying he’s been toying around the MUD playing a bit.

It’s so strange that even after four years I got a wierd ache in my heart at seeing many people who were around the time I managed the game, a bit of a testament to how much of an emotional link you can create by sharing your imagination and dreams with people whom you’ll probably never see in real life. I got a chance to say thank you to the people who carried what in large part was my dream of a ‘game’ for last four years, and maybe impart a bit of advice (I just can’t resist spewing my opinions).

Most importantly I feel like the part of my mind that was always feeling guilty about abandoning that community which I and many people were very much part off, is at peace at itself. Interestingly enough the whole decision to peek in on the good ole’ FL, has sparked off a huge volcano of creative activity in my brain to do with making some sort of ‘better’ version of a MUD for the days of World of Warcraft. My head’s been spraying ideas all over the place since Monday, so I’ve decided to create this journal and start putting all this creative energy to good use.

Enter Stage Left: The Spireal Project :)

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Perhaps this is somewhat in like the skeletal project of a graphic mud/game to which Virigoth spoke about shortly after this shift to 3.0. Don't know if anyone else remembers it, but I certainly do, and when he told everyone he was going to EA, I thought the chances of it had left with him. Perhaps this is a new incarnation, but I think all of us here would enjoy being kept up to date on this project.

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