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I haven't started a new class in ages....and when I do BAM! right in the face I get to level 15th and get stolen from, pked by, attacked by, full looted after death, and everything else you can think of. It's sent me running for my life, over and over again. It's not just one character but two or three, and other characters I don't play have posted such on forums as well. It seems to me people at such low levels have become hostile and the IMMs aren't doing as much as they once did. I remember the time when I had (around 15ish a bit higher or lower) an ogre warrior and a ogre zerk attacked me....I killed him...then he attacked me again and he killed me.(I'm pretty sure this doesn't give anyway anything since this was quite some time ago) Then Eshaine pops up and commands us not to pk unless we want to get banned..... Then there was this other time....but anyways what's happening? is there no more new class starter friendly system?

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its not like i don't know how to pk, but i've seen this guy at 17th w/ some divine axe as a weapon(he didn't pk me but did to someone else).......and this other guy with two pieces of rlly rlly rlly good armor...not that I'm complaining about good armor, but isn't tat a bit unfair?

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It's generally, in my experience, the newer players who attack at low levels to begin with. It's just not worth the time, or exciting, or satisfying, honestly, for most 'veteran' players. But yes, if you see excessive low level PK'ing, feel free to note us IG, or post on the prayers forum.

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I never seem to have any problem with people attacking me at that level. I even trained almost every skill on an ogre berserker sitting at level 15, no one attacked me. Then again, I was an ogre berserker, and who wants to attack one of those at 15? Not me. I usually get attacked around 30 for the first time.

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If people complain about this so much why don't you code something in to protect against it? If you're not supposed to pk at low ranks then why do you get the PK flag at rank 10? If you shouldn't be decked out in crazy armor at low ranks then why isn't there a set limit to how many rares you can wear?

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You cannot wear rares below lvl 15, if they are decked in rares at lvl15 and pking, report it and they will be punished. And the pk flag is set at lvl 10 because THAT IS WHERE PK BEGINS AND IS LEGAL!!! Hard to believe? Most players believe that pk sub-30 is trash, some even say sub-40 is trash. And some of it is. However if you have a valid rp reason to kill someone, and did not cheat to get your wares (using the adventuruer thing is borderline cheating and if used for pk will be considered as such, see the other thread) then YOU ARE FREE TO PK AT LVL 10! I've done it before. Newer players are trying to figure out this whole pk thing and to them 30 is weeks of play away. So they start to experiment at 15-20 when they have gotten some neat new armor and some cool spells/skills they want to try out. If they repeatedly kill you, then report it. If they are decked in rares sub 30 and pking alot report it. If they have pets higher lvl than they are and using them to pk report it. If they are not rping (not neccesarily by your definition, but at all) report it. If you arn't sure, report it. The Imms here do a very good job policing the mud, both in and out of game. They however do have lives and cannot be everywhere 24/7. Pray, note to imm, post in the prayer section if you have an issue. However, just because someone kills you at lvl 10, does not mean what they are doing is wrong.

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They have a divine reckoning at lvl 17, you say?

The way I have come to see it, classes aren't balanced until 50, so pking then is usually just cheap shots with the rank advantages of your char. Its like a thief at rank 35(I admit I have had a few), you can take down anything with no effort...but is that really playing the game to its fullest potential?

My advice is to rank over them, kill them and sacrifice the divine reckoning. A lvl 17 who is of a class that CAN use an axe doesn't NEED one that powerful because the axe wielding classes are overpowered at the lower ranks anyway.

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Newer players are trying to figure out this whole pk thing and to them 30 is weeks of play away. So they start to experiment at 15-20 when they have gotten some neat new armor and some cool spells/skills they want to try out.

... However, just because someone kills you at lvl 10, does not mean what they are doing is wrong.

I agree somewhat. Learning to PK is tough and frustrating (atleast that's been my ongoing experience). Just because game is balanced at 50 doesn't mean one should pinn before they start trying to learn the ropes. I personally like slowing down in the mid ranks and trying to learn.

Of course that isn't to say that multi-killing with or without uber-gear pre-50 is okay. :mad:

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