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Teh Plot


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The couple new Knights have been busy gettin their ***es kicked by the 3 or so nexus minimum the game must have to stay up because their always on. I have seen one of the knights that was in before my character got in. I only know of two that are around right now. And its abit frustrating trying to do something 3vs1 which is what happens. Not a flame just fact. But my character is abit ticked that theres never any other knights on at the moment.

Edit: And in reguards to the plot neat idea love the implemented npc's but can we move it along its honestly got me to the point i wanna just quit till its over because its such a pain to play, its becoming more of a job to get to do anything with my character than playing a game which should be relaxing. And I already have 1 job, I shouldn't come home to a second one thats supposed to be relaxing. Like i said, love the idea, hate the way it makes the game feel to me.

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There is other stuff going on, but it seems like few are trying to get involved. Just a reminder folks, but if you get a note and its not from an immortal, it could still contain fragments of something interesting to follow up with.

Also, Heralds, do you HEAR all of the misinformed people right now? Get on the ball, people! There are like 3-4 of you, and it is like pulling teeth trying to get you to scribe anything you didn't initiate sometimes. ;) Most of the world is relying on you to pass information on or to help expedite the plotline to some extent! Get something going, hell. If you really wanted to you could really modify things as you see fit. You control the information! Sometimes being strictly immortal-reactionary really limits things to pretty static storyline.

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Yea i prefer my soul, Or i could just not play theres that option, and wait till the whole things passed, which honestly is where i'm leanin, I love the game but the forum community is becoming less desirable to read overall, and the game itself as i said is becoming more of a Job.

And how bout this an RP plot where something good happens instead of us getting screwed over which seems to happen with each one that I can recall since i've been here. While i like a nice death and destruction plot with out anything on the side of the scale its gets mundane in my opinion.

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I think this is a bit Overkill....

Before an Iron Building

[Exits: (east) west]

Its eyes ablaze with fires of hell a torment stands here.

Its eyes ablaze with fires of hell a torment stands here.

Its eyes ablaze with fires of hell a torment stands here.

Its eyes ablaze with fires of hell a torment stands here.


A torment flies in.

A torment snarls at you, for some reason.

A torment says 'The Age of Suffering demands your soul!' *** ONE ***

The frigid air causes a torment's breath to coalesce into fog.

You yell 'Your efforts to taint me are uselss a torment!'

A torment seems to change in size and shape to match yours.

A torment's corruption injures you.

A torment flies in.

A torment snarls at you, for some reason.

A torment says 'The Age of Suffering demands your soul!' **** TWO ***

The frigid air causes a torment's breath to coalesce into fog.

You yell 'Help! a torment's taint is upon me!'

Your insides twist as you feel a torment's taint upon you.

A torment seems to change in size and shape to match yours.

A torment's corruption MASSACRES you!

A torment flies in.

A torment begins to look for a new prey.

A torment flies in.

A torment snarls at you, for some reason.

A torment says 'The Age of Suffering demands your soul!' *** THREE ***

The frigid air causes a torment's breath to coalesce into fog.

You yell 'Your efforts to taint me are uselss a torment!'

A torment seems to change in size and shape to match yours.

A torment's corruption injures you.

A torment is in excellent condition.

Mya: [===|===|===|---]

<553/900hp 349/1100m 414/418mv 40171xp 7847g 5h D> You need to hold the potion in order to quaff it while being attacked.

You dodge a torment's attack.

You parry a torment's attack.

A torment screams and attacks!

A torment seems to change in size and shape to match yours.

A torment's life drain MUTILATES you!

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You dodge a torment's attack.

A torment trips you and you go down!

. TRIP ed TRIP ed TRIP ed

A torment's trip scratches you.

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You dodge a torment's attack.

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You dodge a torment's attack.

A torment parries your attack.

A torment dodges your attack.

A torment dodges your attack.

A torment is in excellent condition.

Mya: [===|===|==-|---]

<511/900hp 349/1100m 414/418mv 40171xp 7847g 5h D> flee

A torment's life drain MUTILATES you!

You block a torment's attack with your weapon.

You parry a torment's attack.

You dodge a torment's attack.

You parry a torment's attack.

Your life drain devastates a torment!

A torment dodges your attack.

A torment has a few scratches.

Mya: [===|===|==-|---]

<471/900hp 349/1100m 414/418mv 40171xp 7847g 5h D> You flee from combat!


They Lead with Corruption, chase like mad. Quite dificult to make it without becoming corrupt, and they Bash,Trip.

I cannot imagine how mages classes can deal with this.

And now they are everywhere. It's insane you cannot go anywhere at night. It got to a point where i had to simple stay behind a door during nights.

You all say its a RP plot and all. But i wonder if we will ever see 4 Avenging Avatar Mobs appearing during the day in Cities and other zones, that bash trip and cast Wrath at evil players unless you acept to repent from their whickness.

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I'm with Aj and Mya here, I love the plot, love having them, they're great. But when my lowbie walks through town and I get four Torments that come in and tell me I'm spared by the Demon Lord, it's scary as hell and I don't want to rank to 30. Hell, I hear about people getting two rounded in their mid twenties (When torments killed people below 30) by one Torment, what am I gonna do at 30 with four of them attacking me at once? Yeah, I do understand that it's a rare case for more than one to jump you at a time.

But, this is The Forsaken Lands, not the "I'm sure happy everyone hugs" lands. So, I fully well love that when I sign in I'm probably going to die. It bleeds the story along. I just want a fighting chance (sub 50) without having to forgo everything I wanted my character to become. (Ie: getting the mark) I'm sure there is a way to take care of all this, and I'll be looking for it in game. I just have to get to a point where I can do something about it other than bitch.

Other than Death and Destruction plots, what else is there that will get the whole game involved? I was in that boat, "Bah, another end of the world thing? Crap..." then I tried to think of one that everyone could be part of that didn't involve the death of billions of mortals... hrm. "The Heralds have lost their favorite Tea set! We must find it!", "Global Warming! We must stop the industrialization of Aabahran! Quick, take up office and pass legislation to prevent the Dragon and Dune Seas from over taking the coast lines!" Eh... you've seen how much press Global Warming gets in the real world... a ton. But the problem is, how much action? About none. Imagine a bunch of people in a text based game trying to pass laws and legislation, in said game, to make it a Greener Aabahran?

Hrm, maybe a Lawful Gnome in Tarandue who wants to hold Brambus Accountable for his crimes against nature... polluting the plains, the rivers down by the flying Citidel (they are down hill form Tarandue...) and ruining the Eco System of the Dark Dwarf Forest.... okay, now I'm starting to sound like Deykari in RP ideas. ;)


Hell, we could even have Farmer Jim claim that the taint on his Apples are from Brambus to move the plot along, then a wise adventurer can find out what really happened to the apples and start a trial, then the world can splinter as to if the Lawful Gnome is on a witch hunt because Brambus stole his childhood sweetheart, Brambina, only to knock her up and leave her for one of his mechanical creations. Then on top of that, the Lawful Gnome can go on a rampage, trying to blow up Mt. Khorandian in order to change the flow of the Jet Stream around Aabahran to right the wrongs of the Dark Dwarf Forest... and he could start a whole crusade that will cause millions of people to fight a war. Then the Heralds will find out that destroying the Mountain will end the world, of with the Lawful Gnome will deny it, too caught up in his own propaganda and Aabahran will have to unite to save the world from some Crazy Gnome who wants to get back at Brambus for boinking his woman...

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Yea i'm honestly up for anything that moves this along, I've quit playing one character because i don't want him takin extra stupid deaths because he does get jumped by 4 of them. its happened twice already. I don't play my healer because they lead with corruption which is a blasphamey for communers and when, not if that happens but when it happens i'm going to die. because they track rediculously fast and theres always a crap ton of them around. And i'm losin momentum on yet a third character because of the same thing, i've spent time lookin with all three characters and haven't found anything. But i'll keep lookin i suppose, I just want SOMETHIN to happen soon.

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The Torments don't actually track. They "appear" in the same room as you. So no matter how far you run. They WILL get you. You have to kill them...

Or learn this trick I am about to tell you.

If a torment attacks you. Flee. Then don't move. The torment will enter the room then immediately look for someone else to kill. It's not failproof, but it can save your ***.

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You can actually outrun them. They don't appear in your room unless you're within 'range' of them. They seem to move akin to a 'blink' spell, whereby instead of consistently moving one room at a time, they will jump 7 or 8 rooms in short bursts. If you keep moving quickly, you will outrun them.


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The Torments don't actually track. They "appear" in the same room as you. So no matter how far you run. They WILL get you. You have to kill them...

Or learn this trick I am about to tell you.

If a torment attacks you. Flee. Then don't move. The torment will enter the room then immediately look for someone else to kill. It's not failproof, but it can save your ***.

Not doubting you but how come they appear and then won't attack if you don't move?

And Dey, i do that but when your not communing and have permanent sanc it sucks when they hit you a crap ton it sucks. I tried the run far away thing till they seemed to be every where every time lol. sucks big time when your like I GOT AWAY I GOT AWAY! smashed in the face by another one. Oh the joys of these npcs. Did i mention how i hate the fact they see through hidden lol.

I just died again btw with my non communer not seein the flee and sit still thing work nor the run as faraway as you can thing work any other ideas?

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To clarify a few things:

The plot is not meant to be impossible for players to the point where they cannot do anything other than attempt to feed themselves, or run away from torments.

However, that being said, this is not meant to be a light inconvenience that can be ignored or "dealt with" so that normal play can continue. The intent is to force you to action. The fact is there was more than one path this plot could have taken, as Malchaeius even warned about beforehand, and most of the playerbase ignored it for 6 months real time. We are willing to work with you, but we are not going to do the work for you.

We have been testing/watching the severity of things, so look out for some tweaks in that regard.

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