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Teh Plot


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The torments are fine. Same as the Shades is 1.0 (although I liked the Shades better because they attacked mobs too, always free gear lying around!) Treat them as you would a player (i.e. preparation), and you'll do fine. When you get ganged by them, run like hell. There's no shame in running like a little girl (okay, some shame, but only you will know ;) ) from a bunch of them. They morph to only slightly higher than your level anyways. Guess I'm the only one who thinks the torments are fine, and the quality/lastingness of the food is the problem. Heh.

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I understand what they're about etc. and I can't prepare for them when i typically get hit by them i'm dropped down several hundred hit-points. I haven't been back for the last 6 months I've been back maybe a month, so I didn't have time to really get to look for an answer. And the food thing is just as annoying it seems like the fountains aren't even doing anything now. or is that just me?

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The plot is not meant to be impossible for players to the point where they cannot do anything other than attempt to feed themselves, or run away from torments.

And while this was the intention, I still feel like its all I do, other tick or so I have to eat something, so i have to carry food and go through it faster obviosly, my spring blood isn't even doing crap now with me so theres no help for me there. If i'mw ith a party its not a deal and we get stuff done, but by myself all i really do get to do is feed myself/run from torments.

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He is talking about beer.

I at first was mad with the food thing. Imagine creating food and getting even more hungry. But then someone told me about Lerants, and i actually find it interesting. (Now that i can get around it.)

But i can see how it can be troublesome for newbies.

ProTip: Close bag. Makes food lasts longer.

One thing i do not understand is how sudently my deity food stooped to be nourishing. It makes little RP sense to me.

Torments are opposite for me. Were interesting at start, but now overkill.

I cannot even phantom how can Marked vs UnMarked PK occur during the night. It must be awfull.

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"So progress it."

Prpgress it how ?

Is there a Zone or Puzzle like Gear for us to progress throw ?

Or a City to defend like last time.

To add on to what Malchaeius just posted, we don't like to script plots excessively heavily. That would just mean we are carrying out a pre-determined story and just using the players as our puppets. Instead, we are reactionary to what the players are doing.

Instead of trying to look for the "right" answer, take Malch's advice, and do something other than usual in the context of your character.

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While ag is offering a gross perversion of real life actions applied to FL for a plot, I'll do the same for an rp plot that does not involve the end of the world:

Tribunal decided to declare martial law on all/almost all of the lands for your protection, whether you like it or not. Guards start appearing everywhere, people are only allowed to legally kill mobs in specifically sanctioned areas. (Emerald, nasty nature loving mobiles.) Any fighting, killing, etc. outside those areas are against the law, should a Trib find you doing such it would be like breaking the law in town. To help reinforce these laws Tribunal has hired on more guards/milita(mobiles) who patrol the lands looking for Wanted criminals to pummel.

Add some small amount of automatic flagging and now you can add a contract system for nonlawful players to hunt down flagged players to get rewarded by Tribunal. Oh, you've managed to capture a wanted man? Here's 10,000 coins, 5,000 exp, some cps, and a pat on the back.

Anyone not playing along with Tribs will find there new home in the Isle of Exile.

Toss in some land control cabal armies for the tribs too, any cabal which doesn't turn over it's lands to Trib get declared as enemies of the state, are exiled, outlawed and flagged. Those cabals which do fall in line get the necessary support to keep some of the cabal rooms going and the ability to act as low ranking Tribs (Flag people). Any area's under control by Trib get the guards and the laws enforced, cabals in line with Tribunal now fight for control of land for tribunal.

Watcher/Nexus (Syndicate) can get rewards for killing world guards.

Lowbies still need to rank, add some wanted mobs out there for people to hunt, less reward than nabbing a player, but can be done in repeat for slow ranking for those who don't want to break martial law.

As things progress they start out looking good, then they get harder and harder to swallow. The use of necromancy is outlawed for it's perversion to the moral thought, hiding(actual hide command) becomes illegal as it implies you have something to hide, etc.

Hell, it could be the way out of this plot if Tribs want to get in gear. Hey tribs, get in gear! Just for the love of god, someone do something about the torments.


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Yep still fed up with the whole torments thing already, between my few characters i'll have died about 4-5 times today to them. about to just swear it all off till stuff blows over not that i'm to big of a pansy to deal with it but its to the point i cant do anything with my characters and its gettin abit old stale and boring already for me. I'm sure i'll get chewed for this by the Pbase but honestly i just dont' care. I agree with WC i'd give a whole lot of crap for a non-end of the world plot that doesn't screw over any type of casual game play for any players.

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Don't get me wrong, I've sold my soul, and I don't mind the plot all so much, I'd just like to see something that isn't like a bad Terry Brooks book (of which there are many.) I see the work the Imms have done, and I appreciate it, but I sorta feel like they went overboard with this one. Also, I'd just like to see something different, something that isn't a grand good vs evil story line, something that maybe is more of a challenge to the typical rolls players play. Impending doom is a tried and true method of fantasy story telling, it's also the reason I don't read a lot fantasy, there is only so much R.E.M. I can take, if you catch my drift.

I think the torments were a poor choice as they are. Getting gang raped by four of them isn't fun, in character or not it sucks, so I stopped playing any character who wouldn't sell his soul (which was all of them). It's allowed me to develop an rp I wouldn't have if the plot didn't come out, one I like, but still it does seem rather drastic. I'd think some limit on how many can **** a player up would be appreciated by lots of people, even those who have taken the mark.

Something to point out, despite all the bitching, anyone trying to rank an evil through the 30+ field? It's full of new goodies. So that does say something about the playerbase and the plot.


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This is not an end of the world plot. Never has been.

Malchaeius is not an end of the world type of demon. Anyone who believes that is Malchaeius's style, has not interacted with the Demon Lord.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way. Proper respects to a certain player who, by his own admission, was not much of a roleplayer but has been picking up a lot of the slack, making things happen, and energizing/motivating people into activity.

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