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With all respect possible, because as a player I've always found you to be a respectable one, please don't do this. Please consider clearing up this posting before an IMM sees it and does.

Why burn bridges when you can relax, take a breath, and if you decide to do so... come back. Don't close doors on yourself, man. A lot of people make that mistake. Venting's good, but not like this. PM me, and I am sure we can hash it out instead.

In all seriousness, you could have been that drow, or orc... but you chose a powerhouse combo yourself.

Take a walk, come back, and we'll talk.

And everyone else, please don't turn this in to a flame fest. It is going to be locked and cleared by an immortal anyways. Just let this one slide, if you would.

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I interacted with Chilvers on both sides of the spectrum. He was a jerk both ways. Lol. Even with that, I liked him. Sucks you didn't stick it out. We all take crappy deaths sometimes.

Best thing to do when you see a character that does something you OOCly disapprove of? Beat the crap out of that character and let them know why.

I'm sure you'll make another. Next time, just log off. Chill. You've been here long enough, get over the TDP syndrome. It'll only stress you out. Which is not why anyone plays here. :)

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I understand what you're trying to say and I used and sometimes still feel that way. But instead of giving up, or running away I want to have faith in my fellow man and immortal that we will all strive toward maturity, fairness, and foregiveness in hopes that we can better ourselves and help to shape this mud into something even greater than it is now.

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So you got banned and instead of being mad at the IMMs or the game, you state that the pbase sucks flat out.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way because the community and players here are why I keep coming back. It's not for the code or the classes, its about the players.

Chilvers had some good RP. I didn't get to interact with you too much but I did for a little bit. It's too bad you wanted to throw it all away and give us the finger in the process, but that is your choice.

Hope to see you in game.

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All you will find is people like you. Power gamers' date=' who think they are the center of the game. [/quote']

Read to here, saw it was a Halfling Blademaster Warmaster and just couldn't take it seriously anymore. Buck up, man. Everyone has a bad day, I hope you come back, you're always a pleasure to have around the place.


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I don't know what he did, but have in mind we are all human beings and no matter how good we are as players and how good our RP is, our in-game decisions will ALWAYS be influenced by the way feel in real life.

I have fought Chilvers A LOT. His behaviour in game was solid and if he did something "brutal" to a character of yours, I would just call it a bad day for him.

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