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Roory Pickwick


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Well, I know it seems sudden and premature, seeing as I have like... no deaths... but Roory is now deleted. He was a tribunal wannabe. I have a new band that I have joined... and I am on probation and can't smoke weed for a year... so like, mudding just isn't anywhere on my agenda. I am gonna still troll the forum, but as far as characters go, I just don't have the time. This was like, my favorite character and my first non-evil pinn... kinda cool. I wanna give a big shout out to Sociucant, Jalice, Sverenox, Aryrgryrz, Sylvie, Tork, Rihler, Tbuonepiel, Tyrmor... err.. I think those were my only friends... yeah, I was totally friends with the undead/demon crew for some reason.. just the evil in me. When I'm off probation/have time to mud I will definately roll something else up. I deleted as to not hold up all the rares and uniques and keep militia open. Lots of fun... see you guys later with another killbot that I roll up :).

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