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Later everyone, ill b back! dane was here!


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I'm leaving for some time, I'm in the army as some of you know.

Well I'm coming up on my ETS date honorable discharge I've done my time heh,

anyway I've been swamped with studying for the ACT's job hunting for my future outside of the army, I have not really had any time on my hands to play.

I should be back when I get out and settle in with school/job It was fun while it lasted thats forsure. I missed the whole story line which i feel bad about:( but on that note i had alot of fun with you gentlemen/ladies hope to see yall soon oh yeah. I dont really know cause i was talking to this colonel about physics and biochem the other day and impressed him somehow and got offered a job for this new mos an administrative position that deals with contractors which would give me two ranks! I dont really know but thats a pretty big paycheck talkin about 1800 every two weeks **** i could do that so i might stay in but always got to plan ahead and my dream is to do something which i cant really accomplish in this army well to cut things short a generals rec is pretty high to do this If thats the case ill be back sooner then anticipated lol who knows Im so confused so many damn options its crazy! i keep changing my mind cause i dont know what i want:( anyway take care hope to see yall soon:D

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