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Demon Lord Plot Continues...


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edit: I hope this video doesn't offend anyone. I am not a practicing Christian, nor do I particularly believe in it....as well, I do not belittle those that do............................but this dude is a fruitcake. Watch some of his other videos if you are bored

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Christianity is like anything else, it has its share of kooks. Maybe well intentioned kooks, but you know what they say...the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I believe in the mark of the beast, I don't believe its this chip. Just like most charismatic christians believed when we invaded iraq it was gonna start the war written about in the revelation,and they had so many bible verses to back it up, and obviously it wasn't/isn't. I'm a christian myself, and dont believe this malarky for a second.

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Hehe' date=' crazy crackhead fanatics and terribly religious people and their views have no bearing on whether or not there is a god. :D It's all made up by people. [/quote']

It shows the unsuitability of faith for determining anything about reality.

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Dang. Am I seriously the only Christian around here? Bummer for me. =P

nah your not alone.

As Religions go Christianity serves as a very good basis for teaching moral values and respect for your fellows. The concepts like counting your blessings, or do unto others as you wish them to do unto you are carried by the traditions and teachings from one generation to the next. Religion in general however is just a guide, its those who take things literally rather than seek out the underlying moral message that scare me.

Even people who claim atheism or agnostic views have this same morale understanding because it is so etched into our society.

Hell if you ever read the ten commandments, look at how each one is really just good advice to keep from having society degenerate into anarchy. Its like a guide by which to behave. A list of things you should and shouldnt do to keep things civil.

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Icor, no, you're not the only christian. It seemed to me growing up at least 9/10 people I knew were christian, now it seems more like 1/5 are. Times are changing and so are the way people are thinking and/or feeling. Its really easy for people who don't believe the way you or I believe to not 'understand' it. We follow a religion of faith and people need tangible evidence to empirically believe something. Lots of christians are the same way though, they have to have signs and be able to attribute them to God to reinforce their own beliefs.

That's just a character flaw of being human :) and we have lots of character flaws. Ok, I will try to end this now before this becomes a religious statement, and as everyone knows, MUD/Religion/Politics just don't mix. :eek:

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After I found out about carbon dating I kinda took religion like tall/fairy tales. Kinda like a good night story to put your children at ease before bed. Religion to me is like currency there is so many I lost count.

The funny thing about carbon dating is its only good to date something back like 1000 years. Anything after that is basically guess work. Its been a while since i remember reading the actual length its good for, let me look it up on wikipedia.

hrm, says it can be used to determine things up to 60,000 years old, but its not exact, and basically guess work (used in conjuction with other dating methods like dendodronlogy which is counting tree rings and something else found in caves

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He does have a Point. Chip ID technology in humans is pretty controversial.

It can have good benefits but also presents seeds for a orwelian plot.

But for me, the greatest threat to our species is:

A.I. - Terminator does raises some serious issues.

That is, until we achieve outer solar system colonization.

Then, it will probably take a superior Alien power war to eradicate us.

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And this is the only reason I am tolerant of religion. I do not believe in god. I do however believe in alot of the "Teachings" in the bible. I think if you need religion for these things....well, more power to you. I just happen to think that we as people should be able to find, and pass on, these things without the means of religion. I'm not necessarily against it perse....I just would rather not have to cling to something like it.

Some people lead very good lives because of religion and I give them all the credit in the world. Religion does some very good things for people....but it's nutjobs like this guy in the video that I cannot stand. Is the RFID chip bad? Hrmm....maybe. Is it the coming of the end and the mark of the beast that was written about in the bible? Come the eff on....

nah your not alone.

As Religions go Christianity serves as a very good basis for teaching moral values and respect for your fellows. The concepts like counting your blessings, or do unto others as you wish them to do unto you are carried by the traditions and teachings from one generation to the next. Religion in general however is just a guide, its those who take things literally rather than seek out the underlying moral message that scare me.

Even people who claim atheism or agnostic views have this same morale understanding because it is so etched into our society.

Hell if you ever read the ten commandments, look at how each one is really just good advice to keep from having society degenerate into anarchy. Its like a guide by which to behave. A list of things you should and shouldnt do to keep things civil.

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