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Outside of Game Contact, Legal or Illegal?


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So my question is if talking to people from the game on AIM or MSN ABOUT the game, is allowed. Or if setting up a rendevous IG with someone/some people. OR like, "hey I need someone to group with, get on." or "hey I wanna go to X place and get lots of rares I need a group how about tonight at lik 6 o'clock?"

Obviously you can't stop it, but is it frowned on? Does it still occur? devulging sensitive info about qclass/race/cabal/code/mechanics obviously is a no-no. I'm talking about anything else but.

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Regardless whether it's legal or not, it happens quite a bit. HELP MULTI suggests that it's illegal. No ooc interaction should influence in game actions, though it really is impossible to enforce it.

In any case I would roleplay it. I.E. If you tell a buddy to log on with his 42 warrior so you can hunt, while your IG character never met him before, at least make some IG interaction with him to make it justified that you would hunt with him.

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I've played here (on and off) since the start of 3.0 - whats that 5 years? Deykari probably knows better than me the dates as he's been here pretty much consistently.

I've never had anybodies MSN/AIM etc...And i know the factions just about, and a bit of Desolation. Despite having 5 cabaled characters i've never learned those areas, because I've never been able to get a group together with someone that does know them. The reason i learned most of the areas I do was because of Bali when he was playing Tiernan. Which is less than 6 months ago.

The top end gear gets recycled between the same players, across different characters, and it can be quite hard to get a look in if you don't already have the knowledge.

As regards the OP, I'd like to see these things handled IG. The only thing you really need to go a bit OOC on is the issue of times and dates, and i've seen that handled many times, here and elsewhere by using terms like "By an ancient calendar" or "By the lunar calendar " Etc...

Yes its a bit dodgy, but no more than saying you have 43 ranks etc...

Rather than people jumping on AIM and saying Hey Doodz!! Wanna go get L33T stuff from Gear lolz! Would we prefer to see a note to Savant announcing that the Tower of Magic will be coming to the assistance of the Gearkeeper on the 1st day of the next Lunar month, at 10 hours passed Mid-day by the ancient clock, and that all available Mages should prepare themselves for this task, and respond to the note with their level of readiness.

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Illegal, and frowned upon. From my experience, the best way to learn the harder areas is to group up in game and try them out. Always seek to bring a cleric or healer with you, so you can avoid any nasty traps that you may encounter and have the supplemental spells you need to survive. I've always learned more from my mistakes.

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I always like to see outside-of-mud-contact as more of a social tool, chatting with people who'd normally PK me senseless outside of the game environment, about non-game related stuff. It's always fun getting a message off of Montahg (I use him as an example as it happens sooo frequently with him :D) that's along the lines of "omfg dey justhad natoher shot, letsh ave babies" or something.

It's illegal/frowned upon to start organising gangs and all that jazz over AIM and the like, but I will help people where possible.


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I always like to see outside-of-mud-contact as more of a social tool, chatting with people who'd normally PK me senseless outside of the game environment, about non-game related stuff. It's always fun getting a message off of Montahg (I use him as an example as it happens sooo frequently with him :D) that's along the lines of "omfg dey justhad natoher shot, letsh ave babies" or something.

It's illegal/frowned upon to start organising gangs and all that jazz over AIM and the like, but I will help people where possible.


Actually I still spell like a champ even when I've been drinking. But, you're right, I do want to make babies with you, although that feeling does not require alcohol to be ingested.

As far as OOC contact goes, I talk to a fair amount of people outside the game, and I personally get pretty annoyed when people ask me to do something with them in-game. I'll usually tell them "ask in-game" or simply ignore them. The people I do talk with frequently are rather mature about stuff like this, and we both keep our conversations away from what's going on the mud.

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Guest emp_newb

You know, I never use OOC contacts to learn about areas, or items ID files, or to set up illegal activity. I actually just love talking about fl. Race/class combos, preferences in how to gear etc etc. I learned factions, deso/dischord and gear by going on trips and paying attention. I think if someone is going to use ooc the wrong way, then they will, but for the most part the people who respect the game will respect that boundary.

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  • Implementor

What will get you in real trouble is if your char breaks his rp for obvious ooc reasons or it is clear something is ooc motivated.


- Mean bad guy who usually kills of ranking groups helps someone pinn without any coin / presents handed over. Esp. bad if they are members of opposing clans and should know this icly.

- People all of a sudden give things to chars they have never met before.

- Someone logs on and without any conversation beelines to someone else to pk them / group with them / loot them.

Just as a few examples.

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Guest emp_newb

Zrothum is actually a cleverly disguised anti-trading program written by the original Viri-bot. The man boobs stem from a spelling error in the code.

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It is legal and everybody does it. The game has rules for in game activity but the staff cannot control what you do in real life. What matters is that you try to stay in RP during the game. In fact this type of thing is encouraged because it is a bonus to player retention and a way for friends to get other friends into the game.

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Plus it makes me big bucks.

Is it legal to talk to people on AIM or via any other medium? Of course it is, we are a community.

Is it illegal to give out quest info, break RP, etc. etc ? Of course it is.

It all boils down to whether or not you can do the first without doing the second. Sadly, many people cannot.

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go east...

no.no go west..

what? you died?

Whats even worse is that in my mind heading east feels like going to the left and heading west feels like going right....

So all of my areas are reversed in my mind lol.... Fine for me, but it'll get you all killed by my directions.

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