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Tms Reset


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10 votes will put us in 11th spot! Come on guys! Just vote! :D I did! It's what all the cool people are doing these days! It'll make you stronger, smarter, and improve your PK --AND-- your RP!

Disclaimer: It will not directly improve your pk or rp, but by increasing our playerbase you will have more chances to do both, with more people, thereby indirectly improving both, though there really is still no help for Dey, even with an Avatar Elf Paladin. Cool people are people who vote, and if you don't vote, you don't want to see what Malchaeius can do with nothing but an eraser, a paper plate, and the spiral from a notebook. It's not pretty... at all. He's pretty much a demonic McGyver, and you all saw what the human McGyver was capable of.

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