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Fading Devotion


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I have been playing on this MUD since 2000, when I was a freshman in High school. It's been almost 9 years now and I still haven't beaten this damn game! Bah!

EDIT: Thanks to all the Imms, current and retired, (Raargant especially) for keeping this MUD going. Be it time and dedication or the good ole' $$ required to keep it going for so long.

I have spent countless hours that I have solely devoted to this MUD for pure entertainment. Though it wasn't always entertaining. I have spent an almost equal amount of time training, getting eq, etc. Doing things I dislike in the hope of having more fun in the form of winning PKs. All in all, I have recently come to the realization that I am living a very unbalanced life where far too much time and effort has gone into my entertainment.

I'm 22 now and I think it's time to balance the scales. I've had so many good times here. Your all great. Even you, that trash PKer that full loots every newbie he meets. So with that in mind I cannot in good faith post a "goodbye thread." Because unlike many people that post these threads, I know I will continue to play. But my playing will be very very different.

I just wanted to let you all know, I won't be around half as much as I have been... Hopefully!

Time for me to spend at least half the work/dedication I have wasted on entertainment and apply it to my school and life in general, i'm sure i'll have a better chance at beating Life than this damn impossible MUD. :D

EDIT: I guess this should also belong in OOC section... :o

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I just wanted to let you all know, I won't be around half as much as I have been... Hopefully!

Hopefully not... anyway, I feel the same way these days, thinking how much I could have achieved in RL if the time I was putting in this game was not put in it... then I go and roll another character, spend days to train it, spend weeks for it to be accepted in cabal, spend months playing it then delete it and the cycle starts again...

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Just to make a point, that may be obvious to some, or not, but the key here is that Life, like this game, can't be WON... Life is a journey, it is meant to be tremendously enjoyed at some times, and dispicably hated at others... This game is an escape fropm RL, but it is, in it's purest form the same journey... There will be characters that you play that are a joy, and there will be characters that are a travesty... And the incredible part is that you can choose which you want to be by simply rerolling... Real Life, you don't get to reroll... So you have to spend time and energy to get the things you want... All I can say is to find the balance... Don't come here to escape the things in RL that you should be able to change, but at the same time, come here to enjoy the fruits of the labors of the Imms and the players that try to create another world in which we can all exist as whatever we choose...

These words are spoken by one who knows the good and the bad of obsessions, RL, and this game... Take it for what it is worth... But either way, enjoy yourself...

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Just to make a point' date=' that may be obvious to some, or not, but the key here is that Life, like this game, can't be [b']WON... Life is a journey, it is meant to be tremendously enjoyed at some times, and dispicably hated at others... This game is an escape fropm RL, but it is, in it's purest form the same journey... There will be characters that you play that are a joy, and there will be characters that are a travesty... And the incredible part is that you can choose which you want to be by simply rerolling... Real Life, you don't get to reroll... So you have to spend time and energy to get the things you want... All I can say is to find the balance... Don't come here to escape the things in RL that you should be able to change, but at the same time, come here to enjoy the fruits of the labors of the Imms and the players that try to create another world in which we can all exist as whatever we choose...

These words are spoken by one who knows the good and the bad of obsessions, RL, and this game... Take it for what it is worth... But either way, enjoy yourself...

Though I think you may have taken him out of context; well put. Heh, couldn't agree more.

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Sad to see you go. I'll bust your balls about it when you get to NZ.

On another note, just play at odd times like I do, then again I only sleep 4 hours a night so playing from 12-3am doesnt mean much to me :P

I think I just guessed who Aulian currently plays!!!!

Oh and for a P.S. he is not saying he is leaving duh! Read people read!;)

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