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I am just curious ... if this is something I should 'experiment with and fight out on my own' ... well, I've played quite a few characters, and from the experience I've had I still can't figure it out for sure. So, does anyone know, do your weapon skills (ie. mace/dagger/sword ... not defenses) go up more quickly if you are fighting more than one opponent? Or does it only relate to the attacks *you* are doing, so it would go up just as fast fighting only one? From experience I had pretty much decided on B) ... that fighting only one mob is just as fast ... but I was wondering if this is true 'cause (maybe it's just my mind playin tricks on me) I was training a char's defenses earlier and it seemed like his weapon skill in the weapon he was wielding went up fairly quickly. So again, just curious, and if this isn't something that should be discussed then uh ... don't answer.

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