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Around less

English lad

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Its not really an 'announcement' as its already been the case over the last couple of months - but expect to see my, and Daviaus around less. Work is kicking my @ss, me and my GF moved in together, and although she has been remarkably cool about the concept of mudding i still don't want to appear to over geeky...

And to be honest, i'm just not enjoying it at the moment very much..my leisure time is very limited, and although the plot rocks in a lot of ways it is very unfriendly to casual players trying to play good align characters...Maybe if i was working a bit harder at it i'd be able to get around some of the problems, but I don't really have the energy, or the desire, to put that much effort in at the moment.

Its not a goodbye, and I doubt my play time will drop that much, as its been relatively low anyway - its more just a heads up to people I tend to interact with on a regular basis that I won't be around much.

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